What you guys doing right now.

ayase said:
Zin5ki said:
Chaz said:
Went to bed after a night out at 1am, lay in bed for 2+hours and decided to draw a bit until sunrise (5am). Got 4 hours sleep after that though, but I'm a guy who likes his full 8hrs.
I shall admit I am oblivious to the goings on that occur after a night out, as I try to avoid such events as much as possible. However, may I ask if it is commonplace to undertake creative exercises, such as drawing, after one has made merry?
Sometimes it makes those creative endeavours better. If so much great music was written on drugs, then it's no great stretch to say that someone could produce a drunken masterpiece. :p
Just dont be like Nivana's lead and take it to the extreme... You wont be able to regret it later.
And technically speaking, booze/alcohol is a drug anyways, just not a perscribed one.

And I was probably sober/sobering up when I was drawing. Last drink was around 11pm, so I should have a good amount out of the system by then, I'd presume.
Happy b-day Mono! :)

About to head out to (finally, after 3 previous and random attempts) Taekwondo... It's seriously been a b**ch to get to in the past 2 months.
Happy Birthday Mono! Hope you have a good rest of the day!

At present, wondering if i should sleep for a bit or try and find something to do. Its rather warm here so its hard to get much motivation for anything.
happy bday mono, hope u enjoyed yourself

OT: sulking in a bad mood, wondering if we have a national ice cream shortage, 3 supermarkets, 0 in stock and 15 miles worth of wasted petrol
Hehe, must be a pain if you knocked a pile over while stepping over them. ;)

Apparently, I'm entitled to Job Seekers, so I'm going to apply for it.
Yep :) now I can take all the manga and anime that are in gigantic piles on my floor and put them in it :p
I had that same problem until a couple of months ago when I got a new bookshelf.

Now I have it again. :?