What you guys doing right now.

On msn for the first time in ages. Been swamped under a pile of revision and coursework but I'm having a break...I believe I deserve one. I'm also very tired and scared Pennywise the clown is gonna get me! Why did I read Stephen King's 'IT' last night?
I'm listening to Life an ending from the wonderful Bleach. Thinking about how wonderful icecream is.
in computing..the only place i get onto the computer here in the school, just finishing off some revision..since its basically our second last day of doing anything..since thursday is our last official day here...but its muck up day for us 6th years..ah well..also detesting this security system on the school network as it is stopping me posting on the FFXIII + PS3 topic...stupid thing..
Ramen89 said:
Talking to my friend... yes friend about her obsession with penises

Wtf? I swear your like 8 or something :lol:

Oh come on all Year 8's are like that! I remember being even worse...so dirty minded :oops:
Just come home from school am talking to my boyfriend on the phone. Topic of choice is how time seems to be running away and how much we love eachother...someone loves me! :D
Now I'm trying to eat pizza and type at the same time. Damn pizza hut. tempting me with your deliciousness.

I'll gey you some day.
Erm...right...er..i'm in computing yet again, just doing some work, my last day of education(tomorrow being muck-up day) woohoo!..just browsing the forums also..wondering how i can get away with this lol
attempting to revise for my materials durability exam, and blatently failing, its just not staying in! WHY!?