What you guys doing right now.

just got home about half an hour ago, had a weird day..first i finished my computing prelim, and i know that in section one, i got 50%(15/30) and section 3 i got 60%(30/50), just waiting for section 2 results now..i need 36 marks in section 2 for a B..as i got 52/60 for my project which is added to the score of my exam to get a total. Also the other thing i found out is that our dog, pepsi, may have to be put down tomorrow.
Fullmetalsgal said:
Ha ha! You have exams!

You'll have exams soon enough..anyways, i'm in computing just finishing off my studying before lunch..exams start on the 12th for me..and i'm ready i think...only 6 days of school left and i'm done for good yay
I'm very happy at the mo cos we finished a bit of work that I thought would take much longer! Woo!

So I'm thinking about what to buy as a treat for myself :wink: (any excuse!)
Arbalest said:
You'll have exams soon enough..anyways, i'm in computing just finishing off my studying before lunch..exams start on the 12th for me..and i'm ready i think...only 6 days of school left and i'm done for good yay

My first one was on Wednesday :(

Brushing my hair about to go to school for my Maths exam >_< I'm so nervous!
Tohru-san said:
Arbalest said:
You'll have exams soon enough..anyways, i'm in computing just finishing off my studying before lunch..exams start on the 12th for me..and i'm ready i think...only 6 days of school left and i'm done for good yay

My first one was on Wednesday :(

Brushing my hair about to go to school for my Maths exam >_< I'm so nervous!

Good luck with your Maths exam! mine isn't until the 19th of may, anyways, i am in computing again studying and well...looking through the forums
Wow, my exams don't begin till the 23rd...should be fun *Voice positivly dripping with sarcasm* Ive got English literature, a good subject for me.
I'm listening to 'it's only a fairy tale' missing one person and resenting another.
sat in college listening to my mp3 on random

though even though its on random theres a lot of music from the pokemon the movie soundtrack comming 1 after the other :s
Feeling cold (as usual), so i'm huddled up in my new duffle coat with a hot water bottle.
Also eating a mixture of bran flakes and strawberry country crisp cereals (the ban flakes to be healthy, and the country crisp so i don't have to be eating something that tastes like cardboard, lol), and contemplating the mint ice cream the the freezer (sound thinking when you're hugging a hotwater bottle to keep warm :lol:)