What you guys doing right now.

erm..yeah..working...thinking about when the scanner will be installed upstairs so i can put some drawings up soon enough..and..er...oooohhh...on MSN waiting for people to talk to me
i hate the fact that work has banned msn means i have to rely on people messaging me on myspace and emailing my work email address!
At the mo i'm munching on an orange, while at the kitching table on my dads laptop =x Also having to listen to porridge n the background =x
At the moment im in the libary on the squeaky chair, i may get kicked off soon >.> i'm being a bad girl and going on the forums =x ^.^;;;
Working on Computing seeing as i have another Prelim for it on Tuesday, got a maths one tomorrow..non-calculator..should be easy...just need to remember to use that triangle thing to remember what cos45 and such are...erm..calculator paper is next thursday..and i think i have a physics prelim in the nest week also..after that..exam leave starts 12th of may...and the day before that is my last official day of school..woohoo
Oh..also, 1000 posts..yay..Space cowboy now
eating some sweets...chocolate and such...and working on some studying. Also wondering why i thought picture sigs weren't allowed on this forum :?
Sitting on the comp in the libery and watching as everyone stares at me for my 1337 typing skils! my fingures just wizz across the bored in a blink of an eye!!! bowhahahahahaha :: cough ::