What you guys doing right now.

Tachi- said:
just boiling over in my chair at work.....dracos how about helping me putting all the staff in a tree shredder?

Sounds like an idea. There are a few where I work that can go in.

I did not get my side ways move as I did not get the job I went for, so I am a little miffed and out for blood. Now I just hope the reason I did not get it was not because I had applied for my bosses job and they thought I had a good chance of getting it, because they have now decided to regrade that job to two grades above me not just one and re-advertise it . Which means a whole load of people in the grade above me will probably go for it now messing up any chance I had. Although at the new grade it is going to be more of a serious lower management buck stops here job than the more supervisory role it was before.

Not too disheartened though I was not looking forward to the inevitable talk about cutting my hair and taking out my piercings as I would be a face for the company at external meetings.
I'm currently rather happy: My first day of exams went well and I've just discovered that my copy of the first Haruhi R2 set is being packed at Play.com. Even better, it's now listed at €53, but because I pre-ordered it back when it was €41, I get it for that price! Yay!
Dracos said:
Tachi- said:
just boiling over in my chair at work.....dracos how about helping me putting all the staff in a tree shredder?

Sounds like an idea. There are a few where I work that can go in.

I did not get my side ways move as I did not get the job I went for, so I am a little miffed and out for blood. Now I just hope the reason I did not get it was not because I had applied for my bosses job and they thought I had a good chance of getting it, because they have now decided to regrade that job to two grades above me not just one and re-advertise it . Which means a whole load of people in the grade above me will probably go for it now messing up any chance I had. Although at the new grade it is going to be more of a serious lower management buck stops here job than the more supervisory role it was before.

Not too disheartened though I was not looking forward to the inevitable talk about cutting my hair and taking out my piercings as I would be a face for the company at external meetings.

Stupid managers.....wait....just included myself in that one......dam lol

shockingly bad day today for most then.
McIcy said:
Stuck at work playing Pokemon Ruby to pass the time

Epic game!!

And I am just looking at buying stuff online, and, talking to people. :lol: Damn I have quadrouple music first thing tommoro :(
sitting infront of the pc after missing out on 2 hours sleep and having a burning underneath my nose from Vasalin, all in the attempts to defeat hayfever

Reading the latest Naruto chapter, which was surprisingly good. though I'm so damn curious as to what "Power" Itachi gave Naruto! Hope the next chapter doesn't get delayed >_<
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about to go home. and chill with a beer, and the guys. laugh about a bad week and look forward to the future.

going to st pancras tomorro with my friend :wink: laura
then walkin round london :thumb:
Watching my dad flail around the living room with the wii remote whilst attempting to play SMW- Kaizo edition.
Also looking at film times for the cinema which is odd as I was invited but now it seems I'm organising it ;O
I'm far too lazy for this sort of thing.
Just finished making cakes now playing SMW:Kaizo edition and watching Azumi 2 with my parents. Prefer the first one but thats the same with most things.
Also annoyed as I tried to download Perfect World rpg twice today and both times the download was interrupted and cancelled towards the end.