What you guys doing right now.

Manga Girls said:
Trying to recover from the flu and failing miserably. Now going to watch a random anime and getting an early night. I was nearly comatose in my business class today, but my teacher liked my article. Yay!

Congrats ! :)

I'm feeling great, it's friday!! =)
Currently listening to The Black Mages soundtrack, and just finished watching the new trailer for RE5, it looks pretty awesome at the moment, there was no name given to the new character though =/
still watching kiddy grade and preparing for the weekly episodes =)

BTW, anyone read this week chapter of Naruto and One piece? Anyone else with the feeling "its getting oh so good!"?
Just arrived home from a White Rose Centre spree.

Admiring the ridiculously overpriced shoes I purchased, it was love at first glance, granted my wallet is heartbroken. I'll be sleeping on the couch for a few weeks.
Deidara said:
Spyro201 said:
Thanks everyone I had a great Birthday :D


Even if it is a bit late.....

Seconded! Happy B'day ( a few hours late, isn't that bad ;D)

I think its safe to say, its the thought that counts ;)

And im listening to the Caramelldancen from Haruhi :lol: Must watch this series.
Spyro201 said:
And im listening to the Caramelldancen from Haruhi :lol: Must watch this series.
What was that? FROM HARUHI? Seriously, It doesn't even sound Japanese, how can you mistake it. If your watching and listening to the AMV, I think you are, then its quite pretty.
Sitting on the sofa on the laptop ;p.

Browsing the forums and watching tv. Looking out of the window wishing it wasn't raining. I would of been playing cricket if it wasn't raining today <_<.