What you guys doing right now.

Jayme said:
Spyro201 said:
And im listening to the Caramelldancen from Haruhi :lol: Must watch this series.
What was that? FROM HARUHI? Seriously, It doesn't even sound Japanese, how can you mistake it. If your watching and listening to the AMV, I think you are, then its quite pretty.

The heck? Thats not in english :lol: You linked me to it :lol:

Doh my stupidity.

I am currently just talking to people on msn and listening to One Piece OP live.
Back from work and working out when I'll be in tomorrow.

Not an official college day, but my work ethic hits the deck when I try studying at home.
currently sat in work, listening to LP while casually browsing the forums, then i have to face the growing work pile infront of me *sigh*

apart from that im fine.
Relaxing now that I've finished all of my exams ;]. Had one last maths exam which was a breeze (after a pain-in-the-ass Media exam this morning >_>) so time to take it easy ^^.
still at work, just had a member of staff call me and explain she'd filled out her timesheet wrong and was wondering if i could amend it. when i said under the data protection act i can't amend her timesheet and it'll most probably be sent back to her and if she could bare with me a minute while i check to see if id recieved her timesheet, put her on mute and still had the handset to my ear while i looked. she called me a w*nker!

although she was shocked when i unmuted the phone and said "thank you very much for that, yes i did just hear that and yes i'll be filling a report on you for it. im trying to help and you call me that?" ofcourse she denied it, called me back 30seconds later really apologetic and saying "i've had a stressfull day"
to which i replied "you have a stressfull day and feel you have a right to phone me up and call me a w*nker? my workload encorporates you and the other 6thousand staff i manage. stressfull day compared to an incessantly stressfull job overall is no reason at all"

well here's a word for her.....B*tch
So very tired... I've just had an aweful time at work, and I'm just totally out of my head. Not doing anything too exciting, so I may (out of my usual character) have a bath tonight. Even though I've already had a shower today, I seriously need it.

Dont damn me Green peace and United Utillities! It's only this once!
About to go down stairs and eat dinner :p.

Other than that, been at school all day, first day back since we had last week off >_<.
right now, just doing the usual watch anime and browse the forums... Fantastic children is simply.... fantastic ^_^

Tachi- said:
..stressfull day compared to an incessantly stressfull job overall is no reason at all...
Any news from that other gig, mate?

BlackWolf said:
I got some bad news today which has kind of made everything uncertain so now i'm still sat trying to decided how to go forward now
Hope you can overcome this soon =)
chaos said:
right now, just doing the usual watch anime and browse the forums... Fantastic children is simply.... fantastic ^_^

Tachi- said:
..stressfull day compared to an incessantly stressfull job overall is no reason at all...
Any news from that other gig, mate?

BlackWolf said:
I got some bad news today which has kind of made everything uncertain so now i'm still sat trying to decided how to go forward now
Hope you can overcome this soon =)

Huh? not sure im following you chaos lol
care to explain?
I've just come to a realisation, after making a call. I'm going to work today, when I thought it was next week I'm doing extra hours... Ops!
Not in trouble though, as I'm still 3hrs early for work. No, I'm not actually at work atm, just in case you're wondering. :p
BlackWolf said:
chaos said:
BlackWolf said:
I got some bad news today which has kind of made everything uncertain so now i'm still sat trying to decided how to go forward now
Hope you can overcome this soon =)

Thanks :) i'm going to try to watch something now to lift my mood

We should all do just like you do, when we're down, facing serious problems that makes our life uncertain, watch some anime and pretend it never happened!! :lol:

Go BlackWolf !!
Currently inking a pciture while waiting for a game patch to finish downloading.

Spyro201 said:
BlackWolf said:
chaos said:
BlackWolf said:
I got some bad news today which has kind of made everything uncertain so now i'm still sat trying to decided how to go forward now
Hope you can overcome this soon =)

Thanks :) i'm going to try to watch something now to lift my mood

We should all do just like you do, when we're down, facing serious problems that makes our life uncertain, watch some anime and pretend it never happened!! :lol:

Go BlackWolf !!

Remember what i said earlier? Distance yourself from the problem for a little while then attack it again with a new prespective , trust me makes some problems a lot easier to solve :) Besides worrying about it is going to lead us to an early grave :p
Spyro201 said:
BlackWolf said:
chaos said:
BlackWolf said:
I got some bad news today which has kind of made everything uncertain so now i'm still sat trying to decided how to go forward now
Hope you can overcome this soon =)

Thanks :) i'm going to try to watch something now to lift my mood

We should all do just like you do, when we're down, facing serious problems that makes our life uncertain, watch some anime and pretend it never happened!! :lol:

Go BlackWolf !!

Spryro that sounds strangely similar to getting drunk haha
agree with blackwolf though, take your mind off the problem, re assess the situation and then move forward from there :)

oh, and cheers for that matter lastnight spyro.
just had a team meeting....really hate them, but then again getting paid to sit talking about all the shite going wrong has gotta be better than working lol

have so much on my mind right now....lunch at 1.30....really need the fresh air

Don't feel too well