What you guys doing right now.

Tachi- said:
:) thanks

yeah its a shame, but tbh im happy struggling with this one lol

Yeah true :p besides it looks like Spore will be the next thing for Maxis in the years to come anyway (aside from The Sims 3...my god how can they keep coming for with things for that game?) Another expansion for simciy 4 wouldn't of hurt though...lol
BlackWolf said:
Tachi- said:
:) thanks

yeah its a shame, but tbh im happy struggling with this one lol

Yeah true :p besides it looks like Spore will be the next thing for Maxis in the years to come anyway (aside from The Sims 3...my god how can they keep coming for with things for that game?) Another expansion for simciy 4 wouldn't of hurt though...lol

lol any ideas on a release date for sims 3?
i mainly (sadistic i know) pick them off one by one until i have a surviver. then i buy him/her a trophy lmao

sims 2 was good, onli bought the ps2 version so they were boring. pc versions much better :thumb:

gunna go buy sims 2 at lunch now ^^
lol no date given for the sims 3 but there's rumours saying it will be out next year, around spring time i would guess.

What you did was far more humane then what i used to do in sims 1 :p I'll put it this way most of my homes had to have a nice sized graveyard before i moved the main family in :wink:...I'm so going to go to hell for that aren't I?
BlackWolf said:
lol no date given for the sims 3 but there's rumours saying it will be out next year, around spring time i would guess.

What you did was far more humane then what i used to do in sims 1 :p I'll put it this way most of my homes had to have a nice sized graveyard before i moved the main family in :wink:...I'm so going to go to hell for that aren't I?

LMAO hahaha

brilliant. i used to put them in solitary confinement with only a small window for light to go in and wait.
or another way is to make a room and put in a few carpets, a fireplace and some sims...its quicker lol
or theres my and my mates favourite way< diving from divingboard onto a table lmao instant death

im joining you in hell (hey atleast well have lovely warm weather all year round :lol:)
Your all fail, What you do is get a two square room, Add a door. Let the Sim go in. Place a firework tool in there, let him light it and watch him burn to a crispy death.
lmao anyone remember the knome fireworks??

used to keep them in the sims bedroom lol.

bought sims life stories hahaha let the fun begin.
Tachi- said:
LMAO hahaha

brilliant. i used to put them in solitary confinement with only a small window for light to go in and wait.
or another way is to make a room and put in a few carpets, a fireplace and some sims...its quicker lol
or theres my and my mates favourite way< diving from divingboard onto a table lmao instant death

im joining you in hell (hey atleast well have lovely warm weather all year round :lol:)

Yey company :p

congrats M.G, on the work experince :)

Anyway, watching Q.I while i chat to friends on msn...another brief calm before the storm moment. :lol:
Rewritting an 4000 word essay so a friend can proof read it for me while also chatting...I need to also get some sprites created for the work tomorrow
Liquid Skin said:
Cleaning my room, i actually like tiding my room since i do it so rarely. I feel like ive really achieved something when i can see the floor :D

Haha, I feel the same when I do that! But I do like, an insane mega clean, like, take everything off the shelf, re-arrange everything ..I feel so good afterwards XD

Just got home from work, it feels SO good to put my feet up, holy ****.
Waiting for something interesting to happen, as everything is really slow and boring. While im waiting, im listening to Children Of Bodom cause they rock :p
Sami said:
Liquid Skin said:
Cleaning my room, i actually like tiding my room since i do it so rarely. I feel like ive really achieved something when i can see the floor :D

Haha, I feel the same when I do that! But I do like, an insane mega clean, like, take everything off the shelf, re-arrange everything ..I feel so good afterwards XD

YES! Usually i chuck everything in my room on the floor and then work up from there.

Its a bitch when i get sidetracked though and im just left with incredbily clean (but bare) shelves n cupboards; and a very very VERY messy floor.

Anyways....bored, its late and i cant sleep so i suppose ill check the status of my laptop's construction for 60th time and spend more money that i dont have on ebay.

Insomnia sucks.
Liquid Skin said:
Sami said:
Liquid Skin said:
Cleaning my room, i actually like tiding my room since i do it so rarely. I feel like ive really achieved something when i can see the floor :D

Haha, I feel the same when I do that! But I do like, an insane mega clean, like, take everything off the shelf, re-arrange everything ..I feel so good afterwards XD

YES! Usually i chuck everything in my room on the floor and then work up from there.

Its a bitch when i get sidetracked though and im just left with incredbily clean (but bare) shelves n cupboards; and a very very VERY messy floor.

Anyways....bored, its late and i cant sleep so i suppose ill check the status of my laptop's construction for 60th time and spend more money that i dont have on ebay.

Insomnia sucks.

Ahh, its not always that bad. *Looks at time* well, you at least get used to it.

Currently got the morning news on and getting my projects final bits done so that i can print it off in the uni later on today.