This came on, on a random Spotify playlist just as I was finishing the last volume of the Neon Genesis Evangelion manga, perfect:
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t.A.T.u deserve to be remembered for more than being pretend lesbians.
Thanks to this, I went to listen to a few Tatu songs on Youtube
Then the Fairytale of New York song came on and I lost the game, Day 16 out of 25. Not bad :'(
Jeez, that's impressive. Pretty sure I lost in November...
It seems I've managed to miss the song by a few minutes sometimes I've gone into the office, hasn't been playing in Tesco when I've gone in there, Christmas songs playing when shopping in oxford was fine... no Fairytale of New York
Sit down to listen to a T.A.T.U song... F***ing Vivo advert...
I work with a radio and a work mate who is over enthusiastic about Christmas music. I had no chance.