What manga are you reading now?

Read He Is My Master Volume 5. The last volume. Well I think it was about the right time to finish the manga, you can only keep the same gags going for so long.
Dracos said:
Read He Is My Master Volume 5. The last volume. Well I think it was about the right time to finish the manga, you can only keep the same gags going for so long.
Yeah, pretty much what I thought. I still haven't read Maid wo Nerae yet, though.
chaos said:
Started bleach again.
:thumbs up:

Bleach so stands up to repeated readings, although sometimes I'll admit I do skim through much of the early parts.


Spurred on by the new anime, I'm re-reading HagaRen.
Just finished reading Tsukihime vol 6 and i'm cursing the fact that there is another probable years wait till the next volume. Still i love this series, and i've got to say this is a better adaption then the anime.