What manga are you reading now?

Just finished Genshiken.

Really good. The author clearly knew when to end the series. There was plenty of time to become attatched to the characters then it ended before it got boring.
Not updated this in a while, so in the past week and a bit, here's what i've read:

Berserk Volumes 24-26 - These all have been thoroughly entertaining, Guts' development throughout these last 3 volumes has been something to keep an eye on. He appears to be warming up to his new companions, and vice versa. The battle sequences again have been drawn amazingly, its easy to tell whats going on, the characters look amazing, and it still seems to be improving somewhat too. 26 was left at a bit of a cliffhanger however, which i was a bit miffed at, since 27 wasn't available at the time so i'm having to wait to see the climax of this part of the story =/ Hopefully pick it up in the next couple of weeks however.

Fruits Basket Volume 10 - I still quite like this. Its fairly easy going, the comedy has a nice touch to it, and the romance is nice as well. Story wise i always liked the idea of it being based around the chinese zodiac, and it still manages to work round it well. Not sure what to expect from the next volume, when i get it, but i'm hoping it keeps to the same quality its at at present.

Hellsing Volume 4 - Now i liked this volume, the battle at the beginning of it i saw in the 3rd OVA but reading it again was great. There was just one bit missed out from it though, but i'm not here to question the OVA ;p. Again plans are now being announced here and there, quite obviously by the Nazi's, but thats fine, so long as i expect a lot of great battles between Alucard, Seras and them. And i'm hoping that Anderson gets a few battles here and there too, just cause he still strikes me as insane, hah.
Spyro201 said:
Aaron said:
Phoenix Wright 2


Phoenix Wright manga?? That sounds so badass.
Totally. They're basically a load of doujin slapped together, but the art and stories are good, and they're printed by Del Rey so they're quality books.

Don't be put off by the higher-than-normal price though...they're decently chunkier than a usual volume of manga.
Princess Resurrection Volume 5. The story between the Royalty is hotting up. The big revelation being what the Royalty really are, and why they are trying to kill each other.
Finished re-reading Yokohama Kaidashi Kikou again.

I took my time reading it again this time and it was nice that way. Even though I knew the ending it's still as fantastic as it was the first time around.

"Let me show you; Just a moment of this brief time.
Before night comes. Sitting once more on the warm concrete..."
just finished fruits basket 22, only one more left! nooooo!
tsubasa: those with wings is out though...
Just finished Case Closed 6 to 11

Now on One Piece 4 and 5

Gotta love a job where im able to sit in my office reading manga if i want too :D