What Games Are You Playing?

Heh, I recently got a borrow of the 'Legend of Zelda : Collectors Edition' or something like that...anyway, it has Majora's mask on it, so I'm replaying it for pure fun - Gosh that game was fun x3
I really should start playing some games, I've got so many uncompleted games lying around my room, damn you work :cry:
At the moment I am re-playing through FFVII and VIII

I'm trying to do FFVII's 100% in under 60 hours challenge. Damn hard I tells ya.
I'm back to playing Project Zero 1 on the Xbox. Currently on night 2 in the Himuro Mansion. I have PZ1 and PZ2 on both Xbox and PS2. Sadly PZ3 is PS2 only.
In comparison to Project Zero 3: the Xbox version of PZ1 is far smoother, the ghosts are less visable, the viewfinder is superior that actually has KANJI swirling about it. Infact, it's better than the PS2 versions in everyway except the FMV cutscenes which are discoloured and a has a bit of jpeg artifact.
I want Project Zero 3 on the Xbox!
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I have got some time on my hands so at the moment I am playing Half Life 2 and Guild Wars.
Bought HL2 when it first came out, apart from the odd go at Garry's Mod I havnt been able to play it.

II am also playing Giga Wing, can't even get close to my dam brother's score.
I completed Project Zero 1 today and my total time was 5 hours and 55 mins. I got a grade C due to not capturing 3 ghosts at once to get 9999 points :wink:

I was busy transfering some games onto my HD - Use your imagination, but I'd say it's not totally on the legal side! *cough*
yeah..you reminded me to start on it again, but i have noone to verse one on one.. :? i wanted to beat someone again lol.
The Movies- Suffering from mid game crisis. Stars are retiring, new stars arn't up to speed, can't hire enough crew, cleaners and ...gah... need to remeber all micro-management skills. Been playing too many turn based games recently.
Love to play oblivion, but the game is so graphic hungry can barely make it run on low settings on 'recomended' spec's.
I keep ducking in and out of different games, since I've either completed them, gotten bored or got to a hard part I can't be bothered to get past.

I'm using these browser-games on my PC (the first 2 are highly rec.):

Kingdom of Loathing
Urban Dead

And ducking in and out of these on my PS2:

Dynasty Warriors 5
Project Zero/Fatal Frame 2
Resident Evil 4
Rumble Roses
Haunting Ground
Dragon Quest 8
I unlocked the last four characters and two stages of One Piece Grand Battle last night...now to get the rest of the artwork/voice data.