Fullmetal Shorty said:Is Dragons Quest any good?
Gallus Glee said:The story mode of Rumble Roses has some toe-curlingly embarassing lines spoken between the characters: the language, slow speed of speech and long pauses makes them all look like eejits.
Gallus Glee said:I'm a little concerned that blocking some attacks is more to do with button-mashing than skill - I can block punches OK but throw-moves seem almost impossible to block. There's no warning at all, you're just caught all of a sudden and SPLAT.
Gallus Glee said:Runescape had the player-owned houses update, 2 years in the making? It's a nice addition for those who like to use RS as a chatroom, but it's an obvious money-pit to try and get some of the cash out of the game. Still annoyed by RS, it's no fun anymoreNeed to find an alternative fast. Biosfear would have been a good one, if it was more than half a game, but I think it's all but dead anyway.
Disco Machine said:I got Dragon Quest: Journey of the Cursed King about a month ago...and I finally just played it...a mammoth four-hour session. >_<
Samurai Matt said:im playing, atm:
Gulty Gear XX2 slash - Still trying to get past that last ******* boss ><
Samurai Matt said:oops, imeant guilty gear X2 reload, not slash. Sorry i aint very good at names :lol:
also, do you have the wonderswan guilty gear games?
Gallus Glee said:Haunting Ground (replay with the leather whip suit thing, easier to hit baddies)
Gallus Glee said:Resident Evil: CV (half-way through another replay, this one isn't aging very well :/)
Gallus Glee said:Rumble Roses (throw your partner round the ring, spin them in the mud)
Gallus Glee said:Phantom Brave (got bored of this, want to see if I can play it without excessive grinding. If not, it's going to be traded in).
Gallus Glee said:I've ordered Zombie Attack and Michigan: Report From Hell, so hopefully I'll have a new experience for the end of the week.