What Games Are You Playing?

memorium said:
Been playing more Tetris today, I've finally managed to get past the 100,000 mark

I've crashed the GB version. Score so high it memory leaked.
You are 1/10 the way, keep up the practice.
Equipped only with my PSP and 3DS here, i've been working on a couple of games when i get the chance here:

Persona 3 Portable - P3P - Finally got started properly with it yesterday and almost through the first month with the female lead. Some of the differences jump out at you quite a bit, some other bits are quite subtle, i like it. Probably going to have a male lead playthrough at the same time so i can notice the differences more as i go.

Tactics Ogre - I started this but left it for a bit, now i've well into chapter 2 - chaotic and it's proving to be quite the challenge. One thing i like though, is that after you complete the game, you get to go back to any point in the storyline and try the different routes without having to start a new playthrough. So i'll be interested to see what the "Lawful" route is like as well

Final Fantasy Tactics - Got this here for about 10 quid, and it's tough. Gonna take me a while to get through it all i expect. But yeah, i do enjoy my tactics games, they usually keep me busy for about 40+ hours

Dead or Alive: Dimensions - Got all the characters already, working on getting as many of the figurines as i can now. Just wish i had wifi so i could play online, but i can make up for that when i get back to the UK.
The novelty of Persona 4 is wearing off a little. I'm still enjoying it, but the storyline is inane (for the most part ... I did enjoy Kanji's story) and the dialogue even more so. I like the life sim aspects, and the battling is great though.
WELL IMMA REALLY PISSED OFF NOW. I was playin mass effect 2 and just finished the last of the loyalty missions and just started the mission where you get the reaper iff or whatever and i hear a wierd noise and my f*cking xbox says the disc is unreadable. so i the proceed to replay mass effect 1 and try and let kaiden die like i should have as my female shepard. Thar be a circular ring on the disc and this is the first time this has ever happened to me cause i have had my xbox work fine for the past 2 years. anyone got any idea how i can fix this :evil:
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daichi383 said:
WELL IMMA REALLY PISSED OFF NOW. I was playin mass effect 2 and just finished the last of the loyalty missions and just started the mission where you get the reaper iff or whatever and i hear a wierd noise and my f*cking xbox says the disc is unreadable. so i the proceed to replay mass effect 1 and try and let kaiden die like i should have as my female shepard. Thar be a circular ring on the disc and this is the first time this has ever happened to me cause i have had my xbox work fine for the past 2 years. anyone got any idea how i can fix this :evil:

phone up xbox and proceed to listen to them claim it's not their issue and watch ur games go bye bye
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Ryo Chan said:
Mutsumi said:
daichi383 said:
anyone got any idea how i can fix this :evil:

Buy a PS3 and Mass Effect 2 for it.

then u can not only lose your console and games, but ur personal details too :D

No you don't, they already fixed that. Plus, blaming Sony for the fact they were hacked into is as logically fail as blaming a shopkeeper for the fact their shop was broken into and robbed.
Microsoft have never admitted culpability for that issue, blaming the user for moving the console. There's some videos on Youtube claiming to demonstrate fixes, but as this hasn't happened to me I've never had any need to try them.

If it doesn't work you'll probably have to buy a new game. Zavvi currently have ME2 for £6.85, which works out a bit cheaper than buying a new console. Whatever you end up doing, I strongly recommend installing the game to the hard drive as that reduces the amount of time the disc will be spinning (and by extension the likelihood of damage).
Mutsumi said:
Ryo Chan said:
Mutsumi said:
daichi383 said:
anyone got any idea how i can fix this :evil:

Buy a PS3 and Mass Effect 2 for it.

then u can not only lose your console and games, but ur personal details too :D

No you don't, they already fixed that. Plus, blaming Sony for the fact they were hacked into is as logically fail as blaming a shopkeeper for the fact their shop was broken into and robbed.

well it is if they keep their customer details in the till instead of the safe ;)
its all about the 45 cal. bare minimum he should have under the desk for instances where a guy tries to steal the moneys.
Jaymii said:
Lupus said:
Buying the second game of a trilogy on a platform that doesn't even have the first one? :lol:
The beginning of 2 screams reboot tbh.
Away from the 60s/70s Sci-Fi vibe and more about ass and guns, oh BioWare.
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The inventory system of ME1 sucks so much **** I don't know where to begin. "Oh, you've found a load of cool items here - too many, in fact. So you need to destroy some of them before you can pick any up. Now. No, we're not telling you how many you can keep and you can't leave this screen. Choose." Actually, that's a pretty good place to begin. Then there's the fact it's in the form of a massive scrolling list of text, rather than a graphical interface like every other RPG made in the last fifteen years.

Needless to say, I like ME2 better. That bloody moon buggy in ME1 alone is enough to drive me round the bend. It needs to be about twice as fast and three times the weight. Navigating the galaxy on the star map is so much better in ME2 as well.

One thing I will say for ME1, choosing your own unique weapons and armour does give it more of an RPG feel (even if the number of dialogue choices doesn't). I wanted to buy Garrus a new suit of armour every time I looked at him in ME2 - when I unlocked his alternate outfit and saw it was still damaged I wasn't happy. What kind of person is Shepard that s\he can cruise around the galaxy in a brand new starship being paid handsomely for each mission, spending thousands on R&D of new weapons and biotic enhancements, but doesn't even buy his comrade a new suit of armour when his old one gets ripped to shreds?
ayase said:
The inventory system of ME1 sucks so much **** I don't know where to begin. "Oh, you've found a load of cool items here - too many, in fact. So you need to destroy some of them before you can pick any up. Now. No, we're not telling you how many you can keep and you can't leave this screen. Choose." Actually, that's a pretty good place to begin. Then there's the fact it's in the form of a massive scrolling list of text, rather than a graphical interface like every other RPG made in the last fifteen years.
Pokemon Red/Green (Blue) is last 15 years, and that was full of plaintext lists.
Text lists of items are still fairly standard, but with icons showing type of item.
Lists of names are no worse than having to cursor over all of them to see what they are/do because all the icons are too similar.

It's the inventory screens in MMORPGs or others that use containers with a limited capacity, which you need to drag and drop items between (e.g. Neverwinter Nights) that it's better to use icons for.
While I'm not playing it yet, I'm thinking of heading off and getting Solatorobo when I have a chance.
Why? You ask.
Well I haven't played or bought games properly in a while now, let alone much on my DS, but when I found out this one looks almost like a Studio Ghibli made game AND features a protagonist who's a dog that rides a robot and occasionally battles nasty pirates trying to blow up orphanages, well just tell me who to give the money to.

Also it will only probably sell about ten copies in the UK, so I am compelled to support it.

Ya'll down wit da cause!