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I want to play Meruru~~


But I should really play the other two games first, I guess. D:
Had Alice: Madness Returns and Shadows of the Damned come through the post today, plus picked up LEGO Batman and Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon and I've been sinking some time into Team Fortress 2 and doing more hot laps on Forza 3 (this week's event on the site thats doing the hot lap stuff is the Stratos on Ralli de Positano Stage A and its amazing fun!)
Unknownfate said:
CitizenGeek said:
Completed Shadow of the Colossus recently ... it was fantastic!

Started on Persona 4 a few days ago. Really enjoying it ... but the Contrarian King optional boss is enraging! Why put an impossibly difficult optional boss at such an early point in the game? Other than that, I love the game. Usually the life simulation aspect to a game would be distracting to the RPG elements, but they compliment one another perfectly in Persona 4!

Just wait until you finish the next story dungeon, suddenly you'll find it falls to a mere press of the triangle button.
Stop playing things on Beginner.
Will-O'-The-Wisp said:
Anyone played "Siren Blood Curse"?? A friend gave it to me today to play, he said it was pretty scary and that I would like it if I liked Project Zero/Fatal Frame

Haven't played that one, but I played Foribidden Siren back on the ps2 which that is a remake of, I suppose the one thing is that this time it's an english cast, before it was Japanese actors, but dubbed with these terrible british english voices (you'd have to look it up on youtube to hear how awful and miscast they sound.) That said I found it pretty creepy and tense though I did get stuck in a loop where I had to do something to proceedm but I just ended up going in circles, also the game's timeline is all over the place like Pulp Fiction x100.
Jaymii said:
Lupus said:
Jack is probably the best romance option in the series.
I just **** her. My opinions on ME2 have changed drastically throughout today, now about 10 hours in and although I'm not sure I'll ever get over losing the sense of wonder and interest I had in the random space opera politics, I'm enjoying the action a lot and have been rewarded with some fun character stuff - even if my Shepherd is one of the most inconsistent and bipolar guys you would ever come across.

I think the very initial setup at the beginning of two put a bad taste in my mouth. It felt very much like "oh, now we have a budget we're gonna dismiss what happened before" but that doesn't seem to be the case. There's a stupid thing, and some terribly structure but thankfully it improves and I'm loving it now.

daichi383, it should autosave you to somewhere else...

Also played the Stacked trial which was bizarre and quite cool. I may get it when I'm really bored.

I just realized there was an autosave feature :oops: anyway i finally completed mass effct one and am now 15 hours into mass effect 2. fantastic games although i prefer mass effect 1's gameplay and rpg sections, mass effect 2 has better characters. just recruited Tali
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I've started playing ME1 with my standard cookie-cutter Chaotic Evil character (named Bastard Shepard) and was dismayed to find much of the early dialogue exactly the same no matter which piece of dialogue pie you choose.

Naughty Bioware. Illusion of choice does not an RPG make.
ayase said:
I've started playing ME1 with my standard cookie-cutter Chaotic Evil character (named Bastard Shepard) and was dismayed to find much of the early dialogue exactly the same no matter which piece of dialogue pie you choose.

Naughty Bioware. Illusion of choice does not an RPG make.

lol the second game is better in that regard. are you playin as male shepard cause i think im the only one who has yet to play as him out of all the people i know. i think its just the voice i hate but whatevs. :roll:
Yeah, I've not noticed that happen in ME2 much (except where it's obviously a plot point and there's no getting out of it).

I have three main RPG characters: a chaotic good male wizard, a chaotic neutral female fighter, and chaotic evil male fighter. They reincarnate across time and space with the same personalities I've invented for them like they're in some kind of sci-fi fantasy version of Quantum Leap. I play the first two seriously and the latter just for kicks (often literally). I like playing CN best as I just make the decisions I would honestly make in any given situation - which usually means pissing pretty much everybody off and leaving myself with no allies but becoming awesomely powerful in the process (I regard the KotOR "I choose me" moment as the crowning moment of awesome in my RPG career).
ayase said:
Naughty Bioware. Illusion of choice does not an RPG make.
Illusion of choice/non-linearity is absolutely central to vast swathes of RPGs. It's not hiding the illusion behind another illusion that upsets people.
I can't into Lawrence grammar, either. :s

Basically, the continuation of yuri "subtext" (except it is actually literally text in this case) between Mimi (the girl on the right of the series of text boxes, talking to Meruru) and Totori (the girl in the middle of the other picture) from the second game.

edit: I just thought, if you mean simply "what game is it", it's Atelier Meruru, the third in the "Alchemist of Arland" series.
Meruru is in Japan already? Blimey. I finished Rorona a couple of months back and I liked it just about enough to put Totori (out in the US later this year) on my shopping list.

Right now, however, I'm playing The Legend of Heroes: Trials in the Sky on PSP, a port of a 2004 Windows JRPG and the first instalment of a trilogy. It's a game that channels the spirit of Grandia; the tone is mostly light and breezy, though becomes darker as the slow-moving plot develops, and the battle system is quite similar as well. The amount of text in the game is staggering, something that apparently caused several US publishers to pass on the game before Xseed took up the mantle, and while some of the dialogue is redundant overall the game possesses enough charm to get away with it (largely because lead girl Estelle is awesome).
DOTM is ok so far, but your health goes fast and the bots are more sluggish. The camera also sort of goes under the transformer if you aim up too much, which just obstructs your view more. The guns sound meaty enough but thus far it's not as fun as WFC by a long shot. The cars also handle pretty poorly as the environments are more restrictive.
Just started playing Deadly Premonition again after being so busy I completely forgot about it for ages. But yeah its just brilliant, even the things that are awful about it end up working in a weird way. Yorks awesome! Also it may be the closest thing to Shenmue 3(complete with near dreamcast era graphics and all!) us heartbroken Shenmue fans ever get.

Most interesting game I've played in about a year...hmm but I guess it might just be the only game I've played in about year too :s