What Games Are You Playing?

You can play a classic one, or something. I felt like getting the real/new thing. It's only £13 and has regular updates.

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Tachi said:
Burnout paradise.

Far too easy, but a good laugh none the less.

"Oh hai, your turned your PS3 on? Here have a gold trophy!"

Fun game, but I completely agree about the difficulty.

In other news i'm hooked on OoT on my 3DS at the moment and slightly irritated that I cant order my "free" cd from nintendo because they sold out in less then a day! ...pfft.
afoia said:
Tachi said:
Burnout paradise.

Far too easy, but a good laugh none the less.

"Oh hai, your turned your PS3 on? Here have a gold trophy!"

Fun game, but I completely agree about the difficulty.

In other news i'm hooked on OoT on my 3DS at the moment and slightly irritated that I cant order my "free" cd from nintendo because they sold out in less then a day! ...pfft.

What free CD?

Edit: nevermind, it is as I suspected. :D Should be arriving in up to 8 weeks. Thanks for mentioning it here! :D
I don't remember playing a level one mage in Baldur's Gate being this hard, and I refuse to believe I can have got worse.

::wolves attack::
::casts sleep::
::bashes sleeping wolf with stick::
::wolf sustains 0 damage::
::wolves wake up::
afoia said:
Tachi said:
Burnout paradise.

Far too easy, but a good laugh none the less.

"Oh hai, your turned your PS3 on? Here have a gold trophy!"

Fun game, but I completely agree about the difficulty.

In other news i'm hooked on OoT on my 3DS at the moment and slightly irritated that I cant order my "free" cd from nintendo because they sold out in less then a day! ...pfft.

Hang on, free cd? im missing out?! Spill the beans,

And yeah i played it for 2 days (each day for about 4 hours) 30 something trophies. ones as easy as "send a invite to a friend" well when you've given the game free to people, thats not gunna be too hard now is it ;)

Finally got a ps store update, i've only been dropping sony messages about it for the past few days ¬____¬ 2 and a bit weeks waititng is too much though, when your meant to be catching up with your release calendar.

Its possible you may be rusty ayase lol. Also... you have enough time to put the wolves to sleep... so put em to sleep and do a runner, find something to grid for money and buy better armour. Tis the way of the world funnily enough.
ayase said:
I don't remember playing a level one mage in Baldur's Gate being this hard, and I refuse to believe I can have got worse.

::wolves attack::
::casts sleep::
::bashes sleeping wolf with stick::
::wolf sustains 0 damage::
::wolves wake up::
You doing it solo or with a party?
PSN has updated :p my long-awaited DW7 DLC appeared a week or so ago I'm sure. Better than the Japanese PSN which was still down last time I checked.

Rui said:
PSN has updated :p my long-awaited DW7 DLC appeared a week or so ago I'm sure. Better than the Japanese PSN which was still down last time I checked.


Same here. Wonder whether it really is down, or whether it is just inaccessible to PSN users outside of Japan?
Bought 'Front Mission Evolved' in Tesco yesterday.

Saw it was cheaper on Play.com when I got home.

Stayed up late and completed it in a single sitting in order to justify having paid more to buy it in a shop rather than online, as that way I have made the most of having it now and not having to wait a few days for it to arrive. If I had waited a few days before playing it, then I might as well have bought it online instead.

Mutsumi shopping/gaming logic ftw.
My other half has been playing LA Noire lately. It's a fantastic opportunity for backseat gaming.

Mutsumi said:
Same here. Wonder whether it really is down, or whether it is just inaccessible to PSN users outside of Japan?

I was scared that they had region blocked it at first (my Asian account too, but that since came back up) however all signs point to it still being in maintenance mode. The error message upon attempted login could live with being less confusing ;(

Rui said:
PSN has updated :p my long-awaited DW7 DLC appeared a week or so ago I'm sure. Better than the Japanese PSN which was still down last time I checked.


Oh wow Dynasty Warriors, their still actually making them?

I used to love Dynasty Warriors 2 (it even got me interested in the original chinese novels), but I kind of got fed up when after like eight years of sequels the best new features they could come up with was "NEW musou attacks", "Look LU BU has a NEW weapon", "We gave LU BU, an ALMOST unperceptibly younger looking face", "We've updated the graphics so it now looks like a game that ONLY came out four years ago!". Then in the next instalment "We know you didn't like the NEW musou attacks, so we got rid of them", "We know you didn't like LU BU's NEW weapon so we gave him his old one back", "We know you love old LU BU so we got rid of his ALMOST unperceptibly younger looking face", "Yep thats Koei, we're always working tirelessly to improve and refine our franchises".

Thats not refinement its stagnation, and I think DW just may be the most stagnant franchise in any medium ever, period!

Although despite my rant I haven't actually checked out the series in a few years now, but I worry that if I do the only new feature may be "Look Guan Yu now has even THICKER eyebrows"..... although with that said I do love Guan Yu's gloriously thick eyebrows, but he deserves better than Koei, he really does.
vashdaman said:
Rui said:
PSN has updated :p my long-awaited DW7 DLC appeared a week or so ago I'm sure. Better than the Japanese PSN which was still down last time I checked.


Oh wow Dynasty Warriors, their still actually making them?

I think they went insane and made Dynasty Warriors Strikeforce to appease the people in your position ;)

I don't mind stagnant so I quite enjoy it, and 7 (SSM6 if you follow the Japanese ordering...argh) has the Jin faction's storyline and characters, which I really liked. Except the voices sucked after the hammy amusement of the first five minutes of play, so hurrah for PSN coming back up and finally making the Japanese voice patch available to me >_<

My only real complaint about 7 is that it's a bit too easy. And the animals are silly/not that useful.

lol yeah I did go off on one didn't I. Dynasty Warriors still offers a kind fun that I don't think any other game provides even to this day (why another more ambitious and skilled developer hasn't stolen Koei's trade mark formula and done something better with it I don't know). Its only because I really like the actual idea that I'm disappointed it hasn't noticeably improved over 6 sequals, also I would probably feel a bit ripped off paying for a DW game in 2011 that is nearly identical to the one I had in 2002. Or maybe I'm wrong and the formula really can't be improved any more and Koei really have taken it to it's zenith.

Either way I'm still grateful for the game getting me interested in the original novels, which are great... but also so long I've spent years reading the first volume and I'm only still about half way through it... and the names of characters... there are so many names... Still its worth it, even just for Guan Yu and the authors dramatic and proud descriptions of his bushy eyebrows and beard. As a fellow man with fairly thick eyebrows (and currently quite a beard too), it was the first time I actually felt proud of them....
Mutsumi said:
Rui said:
PSN has updated :p my long-awaited DW7 DLC appeared a week or so ago I'm sure. Better than the Japanese PSN which was still down last time I checked.


Same here. Wonder whether it really is down, or whether it is just inaccessible to PSN users outside of Japan?
It has been legit down regardless of where you were trying to access from, at the behest of the Japanese government.