What Games Are You Playing?

Mutsumi said:
Maxon said:
Lupus said:
Finished Arkham Asylum, good game, combat is ****** though.
How? It's pretty good and I had no problems with it.

Thirded, i enjoyed the combat. It was strong and felt very comfortable to get used to. Gonna love to see how it plays out in Arkham City too.

Also, i hear that Robin will be in Arkham City as a retail exclusive DLC addition for challenge maps. Damn, we get stuck with the boy wonder =/
I love Robin, so that's good news for me. Are there alternates or something then? I really liked the combat too. Some of the interviews at E3 suggested that they spent a lot of time on that in the first game and this time worked on the movement and abilities of getting around (he can glide, for instance).
Jaymii said:
I love Robin, so that's good news for me. Are there alternates or something then? I really liked the combat too. Some of the interviews at E3 suggested that they spent a lot of time on that in the first game and this time worked on the movement and abilities of getting around (he can glide, for instance).

The gameplay they showed for the game at E3 did give a very good impression as to what to expect. For example, it's very open, you can more or less go everywhere when you start off. Riddlers clues are scattered everywhere, and you can find people to give you clues to where they are, along with targets to take down, or not take down for info. Tis very nicely played out, and you get your first dose of catwoman as a playable near the beginning. Dunno though.
Dug out Jet Set Radio Future last night, forgot how much I love this game (although the original is a better game, Future is more enjoyable, which I know doesn't really make sense). Such a shame it suffers from god awful slow-down on the 99th Street level when playing on an XBox 360 though.
Ryo Chan said:
Europa Universalis III

i'm so bad at it but it's so darn adictive
I hate EU III. I thought I would love it but it annoys the hell out of me. It's slow, over-complicated and Empire: Total War made it entirely redundant.
ayase said:
Ryo Chan said:
Europa Universalis III

i'm so bad at it but it's so darn adictive
I hate EU III. I thought I would love it but it annoys the hell out of me. It's slow, over-complicated and Empire: Total War made it entirely redundant.

sept ETW is the worst TW game in existance
E:TW is fine now the battle AI works properly and they don't just stand there waiting to be massacred or suicidally charge you. The diplomacy works better than Medieaval 2 *and* Shogun 2 if my early experiences of the latter are anything to go by. M2 and S2 AI factions are aggressive to the point of stupidity on the world map (I always find it hilarious how the French want Caen at any cost, attacking even if the English are their closest ally and the strongest faction in the game).
Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3DS

Still in my mind, even 12 years on, simply the best game that has ever been made. The remake here has (much to my surprise) even updated the graphics slightly (Mostly retexturing and a few more polygons on main characters) but Nintendo didn't break what certainly didn't need fixing. Still stunning.

Up to forest temple at present, and hoping to get the game done quickish so I can have a proper go at the Master Quest (Had the GC wind waker bonus disk version but never got around to it)
Warmaster said:
Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3DS

Still in my mind, even 12 years on, simply the best game that has ever been made. The remake here has (much to my surprise) even updated the graphics slightly (Mostly retexturing and a few more polygons on main characters) but Nintendo didn't break what certainly didn't need fixing. Still stunning.

Up to forest temple at present, and hoping to get the game done quickish so I can have a proper go at the Master Quest (Had the GC wind waker bonus disk version but never got around to it)
From the videos I've seen the frame rate has been greatly improved. Can't wait to get my copy.

On that note, currently playing Link's Awakening DX on my 3DS. It's my first pre-OoT Zelda but it's still good fun.
I would have been a bit gutted if they hadn't improved the graphics on a full-price re-release on a much more powerful console!

Glad to hear people are enjoying it, though, mine should arrive Monday. ^_^ Also ordered Child of Eden, gonna be my first Kinect experience! (Although I suspect I will end up playing the game through on pad)
Maxon said:
Warmaster said:
Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3DS

Still in my mind, even 12 years on, simply the best game that has ever been made. The remake here has (much to my surprise) even updated the graphics slightly (Mostly retexturing and a few more polygons on main characters) but Nintendo didn't break what certainly didn't need fixing. Still stunning.

Up to forest temple at present, and hoping to get the game done quickish so I can have a proper go at the Master Quest (Had the GC wind waker bonus disk version but never got around to it)
From the videos I've seen the frame rate has been greatly improved. Can't wait to get my copy.

On that note, currently playing Link's Awakening DX on my 3DS. It's my first pre-OoT Zelda but it's still good fun.

Ha, I remember playing Links Awkening DX on GBC back in the day, it was actually really good!
RivaOni said:
Dug out Jet Set Radio Future last night, forgot how much I love this game (although the original is a better game, Future is more enjoyable, which I know doesn't really make sense). Such a shame it suffers from god awful slow-down on the 99th Street level when playing on an XBox 360 though.

The 360's backwards compatibility is shameful. I played through Star Wars KotOR on 360 and there is one point where the game will crash every time, making it impossible to complete. I think it was on Tatooine, as the Sith by the cantina attack you.