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No f*cking way should you be expected to take certain optional abilities to succeed, or imbibe potions *before you even know there's going to be fight*. That's just bad game design. Abigail's about as much in that fight as a chocolate fireguard. Hmm. Looks like hiding behind the shed it is then...
ayase said:
The Witcher. Now I like to think of myself as a pretty seasoned gamer, and quite how *anyone* has managed to kill "The Beast" (especially on Hard) is entirely beyond me. I have read and attempted at least a dozen different tactics (the fact that I'm even having to read walkthroughs is embarrassing in itself) some of which can be described as inaccurate, at best.

I don't feel challenged any more, I just feel bored. I want to get on with the rest of the game now.

I took it down first time. Mix of Swallow and food at the same time before i started the fight helped to keep my health up and using the item(i forget its name) which does more damage to spectres made the fight fairly quick for me on normal. I need to try it on hard still of course, but it was fairly straight forward on normal.

I just wish i was in edinburgh, i do thoroughly enjoy the game, but i just don't have the time to play it. I really want to get onto The Witcher 2 but it follows on pretty closely to the end of the first.

@Tach: The Witcher 1 is PC only, so make sure you have a PC that can play it, and make sure you have about 50+ hours to sink into it ;p
Clearly, the patch stopped you being able to hide behind the shed. Right, Plan F. I go back to the autosave outside the Salamanders' hideout and take "stun" as an ability when I level up...

And I kill it first time. Without stun, over twenty attempts using every combination of potions, tactics and magic items I could think of all ended in failure. With stun, done in one go. That's slightly annoying. I hope nothing like this is going to happen again...
*starts playing Portal 2* Huh, X is use and B is crouch, maybe I can.. *looks for custom controls option, there is none* NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!

I kid, I'll get used to it, but on the Orange Box I set my HL2 controls first, whereby X was reload (AS IT SHOULD BE) and B was use, and I set my Portal 1 controls to match (clicking left stick was crouch) now I think I'll be crouching at boxes a lot.

On a more reasonable note: Why no toggle option for crouch? That's something that should be default in any game. Custom controls must be difficult to implement so it's understandable they're missing, but no crouch toggle? That's kinda annoying. Ah wells.
ilmaestro said:
I believe your first mistake was playing a Valve game on console. :p


Personally, I don't normally, except my copy of Portal 2 is a promo copy, wanted it on PC, may buy it on PC at a later date, but all of my other Valve games are PC copies.
ilmaestro said:
I believe your first mistake was playing a Valve game on console. :p

<object width="425" height="349"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/aAM8iz4QJgI?version=3&amp;hl=en_GB"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/aAM8iz4QJgI?version=3&amp;hl=en_GB" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="425" height="349" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true"></embed></object>

Replaying P4 and Dead Space.
Lupus said:
Batman Arkham Asylum is like... What if The Dark Knight was GOOD?
It's more like a darker version of Batman The Animated Series.

Just a side note: Mark Hamill > Jack Nicholson > Heath Ledger
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It's on par in some episodes, I think. Batman: TAS is shockingly dark the few times they got away with it. Arkham City is apparently Hamill's last time he's voicing The Joker. ;(
Been digging through my old gaming stuff, discovered I have:

Legacy of Kain Blood Omen - PlayStation
Fear Effect - PlayStation
Fear Effect 2: Retro Helix - PlayStation
Shadowman - Dreamcast

at the very minimum that I've never, ever even booted up on their respective consoles, I just bought and hoarded them, presumebly after seeing them cheap in Gamestation, a charity shop, Close Encounters or on a car boot...

Think I'll start with Fear Effect :)
A few more... I'm not even going to look through my PS2/XBox/Gamecube collection as I bought LOADS of second hand stuff from Gamestation during that era and started receiving promo's then too...

More to add to the list...

Heart of Darkness
Jade Cocoon
Ape Escape
Sword of the Berserk: Gut's Rage

I think I may have to keep a spreadsheet of all the games I own.
Jaymii said:
It's on par in some episodes, I think. Batman: TAS is shockingly dark the few times they got away with it. Arkham City is apparently Hamill's last time he's voicing The Joker. ;(

At the very least it seems likely the Joker will die in AC, judging by the tie-in comics making that VERY clear.
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