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CitizenGeek said:
I completed Portal 2 recently. Fantastic game, absolutely hilarious at times!

At the moment I am playing Warcraft III ... it's a bit of a struggle though, it keeps freezing on Windows 7 and there doesn't seem to be any way to fix it.

Could be the same issue as running Age of Empires 2 on Windows 7.

With AoE 2 theres graphical glitches and freezing and the way to fix it is by only allowing it to use a few of your processors (If you have a quad core for example), random fix I know but I think its cause it cant handle that much power...

On topic!
Playing Minecraft or League of Legends mainly at the moment. Got a Minecraft server with some friends so we just rofl around on that.
Taylor said:
CitizenGeek said:
I completed Portal 2 recently. Fantastic game, absolutely hilarious at times!

At the moment I am playing Warcraft III ... it's a bit of a struggle though, it keeps freezing on Windows 7 and there doesn't seem to be any way to fix it.

Could be the same issue as running Age of Empires 2 on Windows 7.

With AoE 2 theres graphical glitches and freezing and the way to fix it is by only allowing it to use a few of your processors (If you have a quad core for example), random fix I know but I think its cause it cant handle that much power...
Or it simply wasn't programed to use multi core processors as they didn't exist yet. You should always try to restrict processes to only use one core, if possible.

More Etrian Odyssey III, so hard and so much grind.
Lupus said:
Outrun Arcade.

I don't usually like racing games but Outrun is really fun.

Preach it, bruddah. Best 400 points I ever did spend (even if I do own the game on PS2).

The Eurogamer forum held an Outrun Arcade contest a while back, and after many restarts and blood-curdling howls of frustration, I reached 51st in the world for goal C. Surely, I thought, that's enough to win, but unfortunately someone else made 50th ;_;

It's great, though. Nobody does blue skies like Sega.
After having it for an age I finally started Heavy Rain (Didn't ever start it because of the colossal install file it needed. And that includes the mandatory Move support file) :(

So, every action has a repercussion? Does that mean the pizza has an extreme effect later on?

Also a confusing incident made me do something I didn't want...

I shot that religious guy in the crucifix room. The whole scene just irritated me: 'Got to stop this! Got to stop this!' FBI fella kept saying without any way to actually do so. It goes to the gun holding scene... Didn't really understand the correct way to do the scene, pressed R1 by complete accident and boom, religious type deceased :(

Didn't mean to do that.

fabricatedlunatic said:
Preach it, bruddah. Best 400 points I ever did spend (even if I do own the game on PS2).

And best get it soon for anybody who hasn't since it's disappearing from the store at the end of the year. Apparently.
Playing Lego Pirates of the Caribbean, fun as expected. Also Thor: God of Thunder, which is better than I expected. I also rented Force Unleashed II which was far worse than I expected... Expected.
I've also been on Lego Pirates (as good as usual) and Thor (which would have been a decent PS2 game).

Realised I haven't finished Transformers WFC, so I've been having a great time on that too.
Aaron said:
I've also been on Lego Pirates (as good as usual) and Thor (which would have been a decent PS2 game).

Realised I haven't finished Transformers WFC, so I've been having a great time on that too.

I'm holding off On Stranger Tides till I've seen it, which is irksome since Blackbeard has the equivalent of "dark force powers" which you need to get minkits etc :p

Everyone rags on Thor's graphics but it's not the worst looking game out there. it's a little simplistic but I'm enjoying it a lot, nearly finished now.

WFC is awesome if short, I really liked that game too, the big bosses were fun, though Trypticon was noticeably harder than Omega Supreme (I mean he's beatable and not hair pullingly annoying, but Omega comes off like a pushover by comparison)
Been beasting Fallout: New Vegas as of recent, 34 hours in and I'm still doing new stuff I never did in my last playthrough, in my first playthrough I finished the game at 34 hours while right now. I'm only half way through the main storyline and doing a lot more than before & I really didn't think I'd rushed the game the first time. A lot more content than I would've figured, even if there's a lot of fetch questing.
Got myself Dead or Alive: Dimensions on the 3DS today and damn, is it good. The combat transfers to the handheld brilliantly, it looks fantastic, runs smoothly and has plenty to keep me going for.....who knows how long. Now i just need a challenge =/. played online with a couple of games and won everyone without a problem, hah

As for other games, i'm nearing the end of Castlevania: Lords of Shadow and i'm also about to get stuck into my brothers copy of L.A Noire, and see how good it really is.
Currently speeding through replaying Lost Odyssey on the very start of disc 4 doing side quests and such. Gonna make a bold move and claim this is best JRPG of this gen, with very little competition besides the likes of Valkyria Chronicles and Demon's Souls. That narrative, those thousand year dreams, those characters and music, that battle system. Sakaguchi's still got it and I'm still looking forward to the inevitable localization of The Last Story, if Xenoblade can get it then so can that. Even if the character designs for TLS are very unappealing.
Isn't it a bit of a stretch to call Valkyria Chronicles and Demon's Souls JRPGs? I mean while they may both have RPG elements (as do many games), it just doesn't feel right to call either of those JRPGs, especially not Demon's Souls, which is far more western in it's styling.
100%'d Lego Pirates. I think one of my favourite things about the game is the duelling animations, it elevates the rudimentary "press X til dead" system above the usual standard. It makes them visually exciting and looks like a proper duel instead of "Person A attacks then person B attacks"

I think more games should implement this kind of character animation, it makes duels look more belivable than the other person just getting hit all the time or constantly blocking which makes the fight look like...well, like it's a video game.
memorium said:
I dusted off my copy of Baldur's Gate about a week ago, I'm currently on chapter four, Gnome Illusionist/Thief FTW!

Oh that title brings back memories of being seriously under-powered when fighting the final boss and getting hacked to death in a few blows.

I've gone back to playing Reach - accessing the various secrets is kind of fun... I guess.