What Games Are You Playing?

Tachi- said:
Kirsty said:
Dragon age 2.

How is it?

I liked the first game but to plat you had to start all possible characters combinations ( city elf, wood elf, human, noble dwarf, commoner dwarf, magician) and play the 60 odd hours each character to complete the games story.


I mentioned before it was pretty abysmal compared to the first in many areas. You don't need to worry about character combos since it's taking the mass effect idea of just choosing male/female and warrior/rogue/mage. There is some options as you go which will require decisions(side with x or y) getting you an achievement, but that's it. Gameplay is a lot easier(hot A/X till your thumbs break) and yeah. I found it really disappointing in comparison

Oh, and i remember DA: O having only difficulty achieves for completing it, and all you needed to do for the character combos is complete each starting area.

On other notes. I've been playing a lot of the mission mode on Marvel vs Capcom 3. Finally got one of them completed 10/10(Super Skrull) and nearly finished Arthurs. Just need to do the final one now for him. Finding i can complete about 7/8 of each characters though, bar the odd few. I can't for the life of me get used to Amaterasu, and i was looking forward to actually trying her out.

Also on the agenda: Bayonetta hard mode + a bajillion other games i'm still to complete.
Thanks for the heads up Arbs, how've you been? i'll jump onto chat in a moment, just gunna finish this post off first.

Bayonetta, i've said elsewhere on the forums that my ps3 YLoD the other week, i now have my new ps3 slim with double the memory and better processor thermal paste to make it last 2/3's longer than the original ps3 (2 years, 3 max) and will be reflowing my processors on my ps3 later this week and hopefully fixing the damn thing. I'd stripped it down to basics yesterday and the amount of dust in there was crazy.

but yeah, my save data's on my HDD, which has the previous driver software (before 3.60) So my new ps3 won't register it at all. what i need to do is go round a mates and borrow his ps3 for a few hours. otherwise all my save data and i mean thousands of hours worth of work will be lost.

not to mention that some save data doesn't back up so i'll lose that anyway and when you next sync trophy data it loses your trophies on the network (as they aren't present on the HDD) So i'll properly rage if i can't fix it :p
Still playing Okamiden (about 12 hours now). Technically excellent for the DS, but it does creak here and there every so often. Music is also tremendous.

It also seems to be gearing up for an emotional final section :(
Still playing Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Kizuna: Dai Ichi Kan Tatari.

Brilliant game so far, currently making my way through Tatarigoroshi-hen which is just awesome :D

I really like some of the CGs <3 and I can't wait to play through Watanagashi-hen and Someutsushi-hen once I unlock them :)
Should be getting Thor: God of Thunder and Lego Pirates of the Caribbean next week (yes I'm a sucker for tie-ins, but I generally like them even if they suck). Hoping to rent L.A. Noire when it comes out too. I don't have quite enough faith for a blind buy =P
You're buying the game of the film of the comic, and the game of the toys of the film, but don't have enough faith in a special looking game from Rockstar that is wowing all and sundry? OK, I have to assume the last part was a troll. :p
ilmaestro said:
You're buying the game of the film of the comic, and the game of the toys of the film, but don't have enough faith in a special looking game from Rockstar that is wowing all and sundry? OK, I have to assume the last part was a troll. :p

This place has no trolls, We killed and ate them with a side of chianti

LA Noire will be amazing, but I understand. Thor and the LEGO games are tried and tested formulas. They aren't doing anything amazing, but you get what you pay for whereas with LA you might not like the type of game you get.

That said, Thor and Lego will be £10 in a month so I'd wait and get LA asap.
ilmaestro said:
You're buying the game of the film of the comic, and the game of the toys of the film, but don't have enough faith in a special looking game from Rockstar that is wowing all and sundry? OK, I have to assume the last part was a troll. :p


That post made me smile too much. Gj ilmaes, gj. XD
Muts, you've been online gaming and forumiting too long, as have i because i know what Gj is :p

(if you'd have asked me what it meant years ago you'd have been shrugged at)
Playing WoW is fine provided you have a decent enough group of people to play it with. I still play it every couple of days because of that, so yeah, which realm/faction?(Argent Dawn, Alliance for meh)

PLans for my time at home:

Complete The 3rd Birthday(+get the shower scene *cough*)
Make reasonable progress on Duodecim Dissidia 012 Final Fantasy
Complete Valkyria Chronicles finally
Get further in Castlevania, lords of shadow
...What's wrong with WoW? Story isn't up to Pokémon standards? I played it for a bit myself, and it's not for me but that's about it. I've heard enough incessant discussions about it that obviously something is there for millions and millions to enjoy. Plus it still looks and feels wonderful.

Are you still checking into DCUO, Arbz?
Jaymii said:
...What's wrong with WoW? Story isn't up to Pokémon standards? I played it for a bit myself, and it's not for me but that's about it. I've heard enough incessant discussions about it that obviously something is there for millions and millions to enjoy. Plus it still looks and feels wonderful.

Are you still checking into DCUO, Arbz?

When i get the chance, yeah. I obviously haven't been on it in a while considering uni and also because SOE is down for the same issues PSN is, but i'm gonna clock in some time with it when SOE is back up and running.
Finished Last Window on Thursday - absolutely brilliant game, started Suikoden Tierkreis and I'm still achievement hunting on the Halo games.
I completed Portal 2 recently. Fantastic game, absolutely hilarious at times!

At the moment I am playing Warcraft III ... it's a bit of a struggle though, it keeps freezing on Windows 7 and there doesn't seem to be any way to fix it.