What Games Are You Playing?

I'm playing the 'waste time before Portal 2 is released' game, which is currently taking the form of mopping up at the end of Resident Evil 4 and playing half hour long blasts of Crysis Warhead because I got myself a bigger monitor.
Finished Episodes from Liberty City: Lost and the Damned yesterday, I did enjoy it although everyone comments on how much the majority of the cast are all unlikeable pricks, which is true. Started Ballad of Gay Tony yesterday and everything is so much better already, better atmosphere, better music, better cast - BETTER EVERYTHING.

Also started Dino Crisis yesterday and I forgot how little ammo you get in this game, about half way through on it I think, second game is still better.
Arbalest said:
@Genkina Hito: If i where you, i'd stear clear of the multiplayer entirely. It is very mediocre, and i still stand by the fact that i'm sure if that was removed, the quality of the single player and it's scares would be much higher. It's too short for my liking, mainly cause i compare it to the length of the first and realise, it takes 5 hours less to complete it.

Thanks for the heads up on the multiplayer. I'm not too bothered by short single player campaigns as long as I think the game is worth replaying from beginning to end.
The thing that pisses me off about the multiplayer in DS2 is the fact that EA have said you need a new copy of the game to play it (not that it's great from what I've heard, but it's setting an example to other companies), console gaming has gone downhill...
memorium said:
The thing that pisses me off about the multiplayer in DS2 is the fact that EA have said you need a new copy of the game to play it (not that it's great from what I've heard, but it's setting an example to other companies), console gaming has gone downhill...

You need a code you get with the game to be able to play it. Think of the multiplayer as being DLC and it makes sense. If you get a second hand copy, you can purchase the multiplayer 'DLC' on PSN.
memorium said:
But it's scurrilous of companies to even do this in the first place

It is also very cunning, as it helps them get revenue from used game sales. Doing it with something like multiplayer is a bit low though, as it feels more like something is being taken away, but offering free DLC as an incentive to buy new is otherwise a good thing.

Personally, I usually just wait until the 'new' price is lower.
memorium said:
It didn't, but I was on about the price of the game in general, not DLC

That is the same with and game that remains popular for a long time though. They wont drop the price while sales are still good.
It's a free Live Gold weekend! Oh, rapture!

Alas I lack the time, the skill and the connection speed to actually interact with others. "Buying" storefront items shall be all I achieve.
Finished up the single player of Portal 2, nice little game, started on AC: brotherhood now though, some of those Borgia takeovers are annoying as the captains seem to get away before I can slip by their guards in time.