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Rented Spider-man Shattered Dimensions. Big disappointment. The controls are unwieldy and irritating compared to how easy to control Web of Shadows was, the web swinging is rubbish and not fluid at all. The only thing that I really like is the ability to kick pots at people and the dialogue.
played the first FEAR couple days straight, got it from CEX for £6. Good Gravy does it have the most screwed up storyline, not "screwed" in terms of understanding plot, but more about point man's live, so to speak. I feel it gives mixed emotions, depending on the disposition of the player. I feel sorry for Alma, but then would she accept anyone's pity, can one even get close to an entity such as her.
Anyhow the best part is it's horror, as described they tried to make a more Japanese horror then an American horror (British horror tends to start with the words "Carry On"),which I can't really say since I've never seen a Japanese horror movie, but I am certain that it defiantly freaks one out at times
Monster hunter Unite and Tri,

Yeah i've decided to jump back into Unite for when on the move and tri for when i'm at home. loving the online mode. i spent most of my time helping noobs on there, just a nice bloke really :)
Mass Effect 2: Arrival - A fairly solid end to Mass Effect 2 i think, and a pretty good way to tie into 3. Gameplay was solid and i did like the added bits of choosing stealth over guns blazing for the first part of the mission. Some parts felt a little cheesy but nothing major. The final area looked extremely spectacular graphically though, hopefully what we can expect from ME3.
As for how it links into ME3? well, i see the end of it being a crucial part of the storyline, maybe where things begin? I dunno, i won't spoil it, but there is a lot there to work with, much in the way Shadow Broker added a lot. Pretty solid 7/10 for me, not as strong as Shadow Broker, but still damned strong regardless.
Arbalest said:
Mass Effect 2: Arrival

A lot of people seemed to dislike it, for me I'd say it reminded me a lot of the 'Bring down the sky.' Though I didn't like the conclusion quite so much, when I got outnumbered in the one part i was on the verge of reloading my game, I think it probably would have continued regardless. Also didn't like going it alone, part of Mass Effects charm has been working as part of a team. And my adept body slams didn't seem to work either.

been playing Dreamfall:The longest journey the past couple of days, good story. very enjoyable though leaves a lot of unanswered questions. Expected to be answered...this time till 2013
Omaru_SD said:
Arbalest said:
Mass Effect 2: Arrival

A lot of people seemed to dislike it, for me I'd say it reminded me a lot of the 'Bring down the sky.' Though I didn't like the conclusion quite so much, when I got outnumbered in the one part i was on the verge of reloading my game, I think it probably would have continued regardless. Also didn't like going it alone, part of Mass Effects charm has been working as part of a team. And my adept body slams didn't seem to work either.


Yeah, the going it alone bit was a bit weird. I didn't mind it for the first part where you focused on stealth, but i would have liked maybe to have had at least one other(tali) party member with me. It was nice though, the end certainly will have some relavence to how ME3 starts i bet, but shall see. 7/10 sounds about right.

As for what i be playing at the moment, not much, however i should be hopefully playing The 3rd Birthday from Sunday when i get back to the flat. Been looking forward to that for a good while, so will be good to finally get some Aya goodness.
Genkina Hito said:
Dead Space 2 - This isn't really scary but then I'm only a few chapters in. Very well made, though.

Worth buying? i've been tempted to buy the first and second but still unsure

F.E.A.R was good with the scary aspect :)
Tachi- said:
Genkina Hito said:
Dead Space 2 - This isn't really scary but then I'm only a few chapters in. Very well made, though.

Worth buying? i've been tempted to buy the first and second but still unsure

F.E.A.R was good with the scary aspect :)

I can't speak about the first Dead Space but the second one is an enjoyable sci-fi pot-boiler. Nothing revolutionary and no, it's not scary at all. I haven't finished it yet but I can see this game getting replayed.

There's a certain sense of familiarity in terms of environment and enemies especially for anybody who has played Halo and fought the Flood (or any third person action game for that matter - fight a wave of enemies) but the gameplay is very polished - movement and combat is tactical and exciting and the weapons are inventive and easy to use. There are some great set-pieces as well (mono-rail) and the graphics are great.

So... yeah, it's a good game.

Haven't played multiplayer. Another thing, I'm playing the 360 version but I believe that the PS3 limited edition has Dead Space Extraction (brilliant Wii Shooter) bundled with it for free.

I only played the first level of F.E.A.R. and I'm beginning to wish I'd kept going.
Thank you for the mini review :) it sounds interesting enough, i suppose the reason you'd buy it is for the cinematics and the storyline then, instead of the fear factor.

Thats fine, (i have indeed played all halo games except reach) so i know what you mean about the flood, funnily enough when i first saw the game series it reminded me of a ps1 game with a similar story, you either on mars or in a spaceship and the dead start to try and kill you.... was like resi evil in space)

Pick up F.E.A.R again if you can :) was good fun.
I'll throw my 2 cents in for Dead Space 2 here as well. Although not particularly scary, there is a lot of what i'd call "jump scares" thoughout the game which could catch a few people out. Bar that, it's not that scary, though a little scarier than the first. A lot of the atmosphere is still there at least.

@Genkina Hito: If i where you, i'd stear clear of the multiplayer entirely. It is very mediocre, and i still stand by the fact that i'm sure if that was removed, the quality of the single player and it's scares would be much higher. It's too short for my liking, mainly cause i compare it to the length of the first and realise, it takes 5 hours less to complete it.

Anywho, at present, i'm working on a few titles:

The 3rd Birthday - My brother tells me this is short, very short. Although i will sound contradictory to what i said above, that may work out for the better for this game, i'll wait and see. Regardless i am enjoying it, and can't see why reviewers here in the West love to give this style of game a low rating.

Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together - I've only really just started this, but it's proving to be hella hard even from the get go. Trying to balance out your team so that you aren't foolishly running in, since one wrong move and you're units will be rendered unconscious fast. If they die 3 times? they are perma-dead. So yeah, you really aren't being held by the hand with this...and i love that about it. Whatever happened to games that gave you 5 minute tutorials and then getting chucked into the deep end? I WANT MORE HARD GAMES.
Arbalest said:
I'll throw my 2 cents in for Dead Space 2 here as well. Although not particularly scary, there is a lot of what i'd call "jump scares" thoughout the game which could catch a few people out. Bar that, it's not that scary, though a little scarier than the first. A lot of the atmosphere is still there at least.

@Genkina Hito: If i where you, i'd stear clear of the multiplayer entirely. It is very mediocre, and i still stand by the fact that i'm sure if that was removed, the quality of the single player and it's scares would be much higher. It's too short for my liking, mainly cause i compare it to the length of the first and realise, it takes 5 hours less to complete it.

Anywho, at present, i'm working on a few titles:

The 3rd Birthday - My brother tells me this is short, very short. Although i will sound contradictory to what i said above, that may work out for the better for this game, i'll wait and see. Regardless i am enjoying it, and can't see why reviewers here in the West love to give this style of game a low rating.

Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together - I've only really just started this, but it's proving to be hella hard even from the get go. Trying to balance out your team so that you aren't foolishly running in, since one wrong move and you're units will be rendered unconscious fast. If they die 3 times? they are perma-dead. So yeah, you really aren't being held by the hand with this...and i love that about it. Whatever happened to games that gave you 5 minute tutorials and then getting chucked into the deep end? I WANT MORE HARD GAMES.

Some reviews marked The 3rd Birthday down as it does not play like a Parasite Eve game but more like a Resident Evil game (like how Resident Evil 5 did not play like a Resident Evil game but more like a 3rd person shooter). Also according to wikipedia the game was not orginally for the PSP,

The third game of the Parasite Eve series was released in 2010 for the PlayStation Portable. The game was originally announced for DoCoMo cell phones, but was later confirmed exclusive for PSP in the Tokyo Game Show 2008 presskits.

If you want more hard games have you tried Prinny: Can I Really Be The Hero? - you start with 1000 lives but it is still supposed to be hard (plays like an old style platformer i.e, you cannot turn midjump etc).
@mangaman: I've played a bit of it actually. My brother owns the game so i gave it a bash. Certainly counts as a toughy for sure. Can't for the life of me remember how far i got on it though. Shall need to borrow it off of him at some point.