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Makes my copy of Burning Rangers look like its worth pennies, I also have a copy of X-Men Children of the Atom that I picked up for 99p thinking "ha! bargain" but its never worked... lol
fabricatedlunatic said:
Sometimes copies go for around £50 on ebay. Personally I'd say it's worth that.

I wish I hadn't sold my copy. Seeing as Namco released the PS3 version of Eternal Sonata in the West, I thought it'd be a given that Vesperia would receive the same treatment. How silly of me.
lol Bandai have always been total failures at releasing Tales in English.

Tales of Graces is only getting the redone PS3 port released, not the original Wii one. Even the ones that make the US don't make it to Europe for the most part, or end up butchered.
The fact most of their games are exclusive to console has never helped.
Localising on the Wii is expensive (Nintendo take huge cuts), Sony won't allow most Japanese games (no VNs or most SRPG/SLGs) outside Japan, Microsoft require full English dub to keep the original audio.
AceyBongo's brought this up yesterday on Twitter about how ToV is in high demand, I replied to him saying if it got Games on Demand release pretty sure it'd solve everyone's problems.

But yeah, if Namco actually bring Graces F out in EU I'll buy my own PS3, for serious.
Just finished Hotel Dusk Room 215.

Took me about 14 hours. At first I was playing it on and off in isolated stretches but after the fourth hour I started devoting more time to it and it was wonderful. The story opened up and the character's were so interesting.

There are different endings so I'll be going back to replay it.

Absolutely loved the game. Didn't have to look up guides apart from the whole crowbar thing when I had to get the cabinet at just the right angle.

Seriously, the ending was bitter-sweet and moving. Kyle Hyde is an awesome protagonist (I love the smug look on his face - "Damn, I'm good") and the other characters are so full of life.

I've got Last Window: The Secret of Cape West by my side...

It's a damn shame the developer Cing closed up shop but when your average gamer plays Call of Duty, what do you expect...

Cing, you did a great job with this game. Thanks a lot.

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Eternal Sonata (Replay - PS3); Oh I do love this game. I'm looking forward to seeing the alt. endings and extra cutscenes. It's just such a shame there is no trophy support.

Pokemon Black; Loving this.

Yakuza 3; This has totally exceeded my expectations in every way. This game is awesome. It's such a great story, and beating the **** into smalltime gangsta's is just awesome.
Got Dragon Age 2 today so been working on that. Turns out, only console players can play it before the actual release date, if you got it on the PC, you still need to wait till tomorrow before you can. Which is stupid really.
Been working on a few games when i get the chance:

Marvel vs Capcom 3 - Mainly to try and get myself used to Jill, who i intend to keep as a main team member. Hella swift so taking a while to get used to her. Remind me to challenge ilmae again only when i finally get practice in. 7-0 losing streak is horrible =/

Dragon Age 2 - On and off. I like it, but compared to origins? It's simplified and too repetitive, specially in scenery. Most characters are fairly bland too, whereas i adored characters like Liliana and Alistair from Origins.

Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia - Finally got my chance to play this game after so long. Very much enjoying it too. A couple of different elements to spice it up but still very much castlevania at heart, which is what is needed.

Magicka - god this game is too much fun. I want others to play with on this too, since it really comes to life with 3-4 players. Going for my 4 hour completion playthrough too.
lol good to hear your enjoying the wild west the way it was never intended :p zombiefied

OT; Still playing monster hunter tri, my ps3 - at this point - is feeling really let down and alone... there's games i could be finishing off on the ps3 but sadly my love for monster hunter will 99% of the time come first.
S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat.

Up to Yanov station, so far I've rescued a Duty hostage from Bandits and now I have to kill some Bloodsuckers.

This game, man, THIS GAME!

Every time something scares me it feels like I'm gonna have a heartattack.
Playing Batman: Arkham Asylum, since it was on offer for just under £4 for the PC. Great game so far, with all my favourite V.As involved (i.e. Joker + Harley Quinn).
Currently playing on my 3DS with Super Street Fighter IV, AR cards, and all that. Aww yeah. Shall give a detailed opinion later on in the morning.
Arbalest said:
Currently playing on my 3DS with Super Street Fighter IV, AR cards, and all that. Aww yeah. Shall give a detailed opinion later on in the morning.

Ditto but Ridge Racer 3D. The 3D is definitely nice, the method derived from the lenticular style we've seen used for still images for years. The viewing angle is alright, but at the wrong angle your left eye will see images intended for your right eye, and vice versa.

I the only DS game I have tried so far is Pokémon White, but it did not look as good on the 3DS as it does on the DSiXL. On the 3DS everything seemed very slightly blurred, and horizontal scanlines were slightly noticable across the image. Some other games may look better, we'll see.

I got my 3DS from my local Tesco, along with only one other person in the store at midnight. Total cost for the 3DS plus game (plus some sleeping pills my wife wanted which I cannot remember the price for) £192, rounding up.

I would have waited for a 3DS, but I think that post-launch, most retailers will push the price back up to RRP. Furthermore, what with the terrible events in Japan recently, further production of the 3DS may have been hindered, potentially resulting in stock shortages for an indefinite period.
Rocking Hsien-Ko/Hulk/Shuma-Gorath right now on Marvel vs Capcom 3, an experiment team but it usually works out, I've played as Hsien-Ko nearly 400 times, maybe more? But my Hsien-Ko has been praised a few times, barely anyone uses her.
Chaz said:
Playing Batman: Arkham Asylum, since it was on offer for just under £4 for the PC. Great game so far, with all my favourite V.As involved (i.e. Joker + Harley Quinn).

Nice. Arkham's one of my favourite games, beyond the tight gameplay the environment is well crafted too, with all the little touches that unlock bios etc.

The Scarecrow sections were awesome, I wonder what City is going to pull out of its utility belt that will be as cool.
Tachi- said:
lol good to hear your enjoying the wild west the way it was never intended :p zombiefied

No one ever intends things to get zombiefied. And that's why you should always have a zombie plan... or 37:

<object width="480" height="390"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/zFLtUxncZcU?fs=1&amp;hl=en_GB"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/zFLtUxncZcU?fs=1&amp;hl=en_GB" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="390"></embed></object>
Man OH man.... STALKER is getting more and more creepy.

I went to a village with Uncle Yar from Freedom and sniped some Mercs. The village was crawling with zombies!

The zombies were all holding rifles too, so damn scary. They saw us, sometimes hobbled at us but walked away again, they didn't seem too bothered, either because everyone but Mercs love Uncle Yar or because we were walking instead of running.

Then I went back to the village and most of the zombies had dispersed. I went to a lake and saw some walking about, got too close and they started firing, then saw Duty come over and finish them off.

Then after fighting like 5 Bloodsuckers I was walking back to Yanov Station and saw a gun fight, got closer, saw a huge amount of heavily armed zombies just shooting each other. I couldn't stop laughing but they weren't looking at me so I just put a bullet in each head, looted them, tried to move on but a bloody BLOODSUCKER killed the only human there and ran at me.

Once I got back to Yanov station I fixed my gear and sold my loot, then heard gunshots outside, opened one of the double doors and got a shotgun in the face. Looked around and saw 5 zombies slowly approaching dragging their rifles and shotguns. No one inside Yanov cared about the armed zombies approaching.

Went around the side door, then outside, killed em and just went back doing my business, looting the corpses. I looked where one had fallen and it was GONE! I got a little freaked out, I swear I killed them all.

Then he stumbled out from behind a train with just a pistol, unloaded every bullet at me, missing every shot. Can't help but start feeling sorry for these zombies, they stand around like columns all day and sometimes go human hunting. No worse than us Stalkers...

The random stuff happening on these games is awesome.