Wacom Pen & Touch Medium
I'm..... My sanity is interrogating me, why I have this for several hours now.
I guess this is what happens, if you have a random chuunibyou attack, make the mistake to actually talk about it, get some sort of (sanity say mishappen) encouragement, manage to weasel yourself out of it, only to get another chuuni-attack a couple of month later
and win an auction on ebay for a price that was entered more as a joke.
I had declared a while ago, that if I had one my first humble goal would be to be manage drawing least a straight line straight.
(Punchline to that was: You don't need that, graphics programms can make it straight for anyway.)
But turns out, I can't even draw
any line so far. OTL
(I don't get these driver settings, pen movemets and clicks work perfectly fine in any read-only-document-ish related programm like browser, mail, pdf viewer. But when navigating desktop, simple MS editor, Notepad++ or, for a quick test, simple paint or paint.net, it's just dead frozen.)
I guess, deeper trouble shooting goes after a round of sleep. @_@"