What did you RECEIVE today? PHOTOS EDITION!

Rascal Does Not Dream of Bunny Girl Senpai and the others are my last order from secondspin before they closed

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I had 2 sets of The World Of Narue at one point (ended up giving one away) and Detatoko Princess is buried in one of the piles on the floor. The lead in Princess has an ungodly passion for pudding and it's also quite funny to watch.
That miniature dime bag darrell guitar that I pre ordered its out of stock even though I pre ordered it the day before release and I had email zavvi just find out that and what piss me off when I ordered it it didn't say it was out of stock/sold out and I think zavvi cocked up some how but the good news is found it on a another site for £27.99 with free delivery by Royal Mail in 2 to 3 days.
Or perhaps HWR managed to save a lot of money over the past number of months and was able to sort it out in one haul rather than small batches here and there. Like not everyone spends loads during a Christmas sale for instance.

In my case the Christmas sale was my savings lol. But I now have a backlog that's been really fun to go through.
Or perhaps HWR managed to save a lot of money over the past number of months and was able to sort it out in one haul rather than small batches here and there. Like not everyone spends loads during a Christmas sale for instance.
This is pretty much it, had some money saved up over several months of work and figured it easier to buy in one go.
Part of me is tempted do a SAC rewatch everytime I see that Laughing Man Logo.
"I must challenge you" to do that!