Turns out I received more stuff, and no home in this house knew about it. Must have been there since like Wednesday at least, not sure if arrived on the same day or not as well. But anyway, here are the goods.
P3 movie 2 and your name are replacements from AL, as usual their consumer service is great. Even giving me a free blu ray box, which comes in handy as they break easily.
Fate from MVM Christmas deals, quite surprised I received something before Christmas. Very nice. Having the SE of part 1 doesn’t look that bad on my shelf, spines are close enough and I’m just happy to have got the CE for that cheap(the box is really nice).
Haganai 16 is the lastest volume of the manga adaptation that just came out in English, already read most of it today, itachi art keeps getting better. He sure got great at drawing plot. Not quite buriki tier, but over the years it sure evolved into something great to look at, it was always unique but was very rough looking. Anyway, looking forward to vol 17.