Dandy Guy, in Space
I've only just arrived back home from Uni so had a few different parcels to open .
Really pleased I managed to get the Blu-ray of 'A Letter to Momo' from Cex for £5, I used to check online multiple times a day just for this.
This is the second 'A Tree of Palme' I've bought, the first was from Cex, but when it arrived it was in awful condition as it was an ex-library dvd, so the disc had silver permanent marker on it and there were stickers all over the actual paper side of the cover art. After returning it to Cex, I checked on eBay almost every day for a month or two and one finally popped up for like £3.50, and this time it's fine.
Bought a few Vita games during the Amazon lightning deal for around £10-13 each. Also finally managed to win a decent priced Dragons Crown with artbook for £34 in eBay. And lastly just a small poster/flyer for the first Heavens Feel film, really loved the artwork, there is also another poster of Magus Bride underneath which is super pretty.

Really pleased I managed to get the Blu-ray of 'A Letter to Momo' from Cex for £5, I used to check online multiple times a day just for this.
This is the second 'A Tree of Palme' I've bought, the first was from Cex, but when it arrived it was in awful condition as it was an ex-library dvd, so the disc had silver permanent marker on it and there were stickers all over the actual paper side of the cover art. After returning it to Cex, I checked on eBay almost every day for a month or two and one finally popped up for like £3.50, and this time it's fine.

Bought a few Vita games during the Amazon lightning deal for around £10-13 each. Also finally managed to win a decent priced Dragons Crown with artbook for £34 in eBay. And lastly just a small poster/flyer for the first Heavens Feel film, really loved the artwork, there is also another poster of Magus Bride underneath which is super pretty.