Pokémon Master
It still feels odd to see a completely clean front cover, there's not even the name of the anime on it.

Never played Nier but the soundtrack is awesome.
I already shot them an email. Hopefully they get back quickly since this is my first time shopping with them, and I'd hate it to be a somewhat mixed experience.
Yeah it's my first time using them too. It's doubly annoying as you can get the Ferid card off a site (UP1) that's not affiliated with Universal
Yeah I got my Ferid card yesterday recorded delivery day after I got the set as well.I also ordered from zoom, and received it without the card, but I have just received the Ferid card through the post, recorded delivery so you will need to sign for it, but I did not inform them that the card was missing so they are almost certainly sending them out to everyone separately.
apparently my home address (not my student) missed a recorded delivery.
Would be weird they sent it to my billing address instead of my shipping address if its the Ferid card