What did you RECEIVE today? PHOTOS EDITION!

Purchases i got over the last few days.

I bet people can guess why i got this

Arrived today from up1

This came monday from zoom.co.uk (the bonus Ferid Bathory card was delivered separately on tuesday)
My only pickup from the Anime Limited sale thus far....


Kinda annoyed as the young lassie who delivers my post decided that rather than chap my door to hand me this package, she would just sit it on my doorstep, leaning against my door >_> I mean if I lived on the top floor of a flat or something then fair enough but I live on a busy street with people constantly walking past my house, I actually heard her post the rest of the stuff through but I assumed that was it until I was going to the shop and actually opened the front door.....oh well, no harm done I guess.

EDIT - Also, having just taken the back sheet off, the back has a bunch of scuff marks on it, which is just lovely lol One day I may actually get an Anime Limited set that is in perfect condition....
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I'm still waiting for my PP2. Another day has passed, and it still hasn't arrived.

Never had something take this long once dispatched to reach me from AL
Picked up in the AL Christmas sale but already got giovanni's Island and I watched Miss Hokusai the other day and now I'm contemplating upgrading to the UE.
Like Gemsy i've received my God Eater Vol. 1 today from UP1USA. And tomorrow i'll pick up a package at the post office with three AL releases.

Just grabbed these today (as well as a new hair dryer that was far too expensive >_> and some clothes but no one cares about that I'm sure lol), I've seen both of these but chose to get them now as they are 2 of the titles that have versions with and without slipcovers on the shelves and I'd rather not take the chance lol.

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First of my Rightstuf sale orders came through today. Got hit £36 on the customs. got a fair few coming that are listed as Swiss Post through so hopefully some will be OK.
