What did you RECEIVE today? PHOTOS EDITION!

Stiivun said:
Time for a new blog post i guess :)

I suspect you mean Associate Producer instead of Executive Producer for Patema Inverted ;-)

Facepalm, thanks for the correction :lol: . I've been quite knackered from sorting out my stuff onto the shelf (the room is also a bit chaotic as a result).
NormanicGrav said:
The Gurren Lagann digipack replacement was 95% fine, there's some marks on the spine but I'll let it off.

HAL was a rather daft one. I asked them to change the address to a specific one and they said yes, no changes to the address whatsoever. Then after Comic Con I asked them to cancel the order and they said yes, the order wasn't cancelled. They dispatched the set and asked me to pay for it as if the two other responses didn't exist. I paid it anyway, but after going through that I probably won't order from the site again but it gets an upgrade or so.

Really nice pick-ups.

I had the same two problems as you.

My Digipack replacements spine has a mark going right through the middle so it's bent out of shape, because of that it sticks out of the Gurren Lagann box. I've got to hope that being pressed up against the shelf will help straighten it out a bit. (it probably won't)

The three AllTheAnime Christmas Sale items that I brought were all sent to the wrong address as well, so because of the cost it will take me to go and get them I've essentially brought Hal, Tiger & Bunny, and Kill la Kill, for a little over full price. Not quite so bad with Hal and T&B, but Kill la Kill has those imperfections, so I've bought the bad discs for more than the good ones. :(

I won a thing! I entered the competition on their website, not expecting to win, as you do. Then the other day I got an email saying I'd won a competition run by MVM, but it didn't say what the prize was. Then this rocked up this morning.
Christmas is saved. Made it through intact and with no import charges!





I was initially quite wary of Kickstarter but I'm really glad I went for this. Seeing my name attached to one of my favourite shows is kinda indescribable. That's my name, there, on Linna's face... Crazy.
Lucky bugger!

Mine is still showing as left London 3 days ago.

I only ordered the normal edition, couldn't justify so much more for the extra cases. Missed the Kickstarter originally so won't have my name displayed (I was out of the fandom then).

Hope mine comes Monday.
I also got two of every postcard except for one. I don't know if that was a thing that was supposed to happen or not, but I sort of feel like sending the spares to friends who like anime as Christmas cards.

To use or not use the A.D Police keyring, that is the difficult question. It will no doubt end up being destroyed if I do, but there seems little point in having it if I don't. Probably best to use it and have a mono no aware attitude about it.
Nice set (and nice avatar) ayase! I'm not a fan (yet) of Bubblegum crisis but seeing that box set makes me want to be. Yeah use the Keyring, might as well. And you never know, it might end up being one of those crazy indestructible ones. I got given a plastic St. Christopher keyring by my uncle on the day I was born, 25 years later that thing is still in one piece and on my keys. And I used to train my dog by lobbing those keys at him, any time and place (he'd dodge the blow 99% of the time, to those who think I might be a dog abuser).
So after about 3 months of working pretty much 7 days a week (honestly think I've had 3 days off, basically doing 2 peoples jobs for one persons wage), today was my last day before Christmas and now I have 2 glorious weeks off. On my way home I jumped into the shopping centre for some food and, well this kinda happened lol not sure I'm feeling the trainers now that I have them home, material like that in a rainy Scottish winter doesn't seem like a good idea.

My BGC set has now turned up as well, much to my relief.


I've been threatening to make a video about the series for years now, this might be a sign that I should get on with it.

ayase said:
No Chaos, I notice. I am disappointed in our leader.

Hah, poor show.
Mine "departed" London 6 days ago, absolutely ridiculous it can get cross country in the USA and to the UK in just over a day, but can't travel 100 miles in a week.
Stiivun said:
Nice. One question though, why did you opt for the Australian release ?

It was pretty cheap because of the Madman Christmas Sale Coupon. Plus, I usually opt for versions with artboxes, so that was pretty much what put it over the Sentai one for me. I was actually interested in getting the JP Boxes, but that £300 total price... :lol:

Don't tell me the Australian one is bad? :oops:
If you don't mind me asking how much did you pay for delivery of the K-On Artbox? I've been interested in buying from Madman but have no idea how much delivery for larger items is.
Yukifan said:
If you don't mind me asking how much did you pay for delivery of the K-On Artbox? I've been interested in buying from Madman but have no idea how much delivery for larger items is.

It was $9.50 for all of them combined apparently. I thought it would be more, but I was only charged that much.
Jatz said:
Yukifan said:
If you don't mind me asking how much did you pay for delivery of the K-On Artbox? I've been interested in buying from Madman but have no idea how much delivery for larger items is.

It was $9.50 for all of them combined apparently. I thought it would be more, but I was only charged that much.
Thanks, I might put in an order in the new year.
Jatz said:
Stiivun said:
Nice. One question though, why did you opt for the Australian release ?

It was pretty cheap because of the Madman Christmas Sale Coupon. Plus, I usually opt for versions with artboxes, so that was pretty much what put it over the Sentai one for me. I was actually interested in getting the JP Boxes, but that £300 total price... :lol:

Don't tell me the Australian one is bad? :oops:

Not sure about the quality of the Australian release, but the reviews i can find don't suggest anything bad with it. So i think you're OK there :D

Also looked at the JP boxes, but the price is indeed steep ... too steep for me too, although i love the show.