When you buy a JP release and it says that the first press has sold out, what exactly are you getting then? Are you paying the same price as you would have for the first press release to only get a standard amaray case or what?
well it would be the release without any of the things listed as part of the first print. So I would imagine if the first print was the show with a nice slipbox then yes you would just get the show in an amaray instead.
I've personally never seen a release outside of its first print so not really sure what to say about it.
Could you say what show/release your looking at to give a better idea?
Little Witch Academia. I haven't been able to find any info on who's doing the western BD release (or how many years we'll have to wait for it) and the Netflix subs are garbage so I'd like to watch it for the first time on the JP BDs if possible. But I'm a bit hesitant to start buying them if half of them are going to be standard amarays while costing the same as the releases that haven't come out yet.
CDjapan seems to list the outer box as a first press item as well which is why I'm wondering if I'm just going to get a standard amaray case if I get it now.The first print benefit for LWA I believe are the cards that come with it. The releases are a mid-thickness cardboard (not chipboard) box with a digipack. The digipack has a slot to hold the 2 cards that are first print benefits.
No. Nurse witch r review?
I think lemon is reviewing it
No problem
Since you were asking, the review is set to go up at 9am tomorrow morning.
A friend of mines started watching more Anime (praise be to Netflix & Attack on Titan) & he's just finished watching the first Danganronpa 3 arc and tried out the Future Arc but says it's super confusing & he feels like he's missed something. Has he? I recall comments about their being something in between. Any help I could pass to him would be great, thank you!
(& in a win for us, he's using Funi's official app, no illegal activity here)
The best watch order is the order in which the episodes aired on TV: Future Arc Episode One, Despair Arc Episode One, Future Arc Episode Two, Despair Arc Episode Two, and so on before finally finishing off with Hope Arc.
Whoa, great job Funi. Surely doing such things would do more harm than good, silly.
I don't think he's played the games yet.
Thank you bothI'll let him know both bits of info.
Regarding the games, make sure he plays them in the correct order:
Danganronpa -> Danganronpa 2 -> Danganronpa Another Episode
He doesn't need to play New Danganronpa V3 as it's separate from the previous games.