crashmatt said:I think I will defiantly watch this, it cant be that bad can it?
Its faults will be a matter to be left to their behemoth-like marketing department. There is nothing a few dollars cannot do!crashmatt said:it cant be that bad can it?
Ian Wolf said:Just learned that Film4 are to broadcast "The Tale of the Princess Kaguya" on 7th August at 15.50. Also being shown on 11th August at 13.15. No mention if it is sub or dub yet.
These are...Professor Irony said:He doesn't struggle to land a third act the way Hosoda seems to
...fighting words!and he has a lightness of touch I don't see in Shinkai.
Zin5ki said:These are...Professor Irony said:He doesn't struggle to land a third act the way Hosoda seems to
...fighting words!and he has a lightness of touch I don't see in Shinkai.
I don't really expect anything to come of this but it'd be pretty amazing if we did get a new film or even a TV series. One of the things I like about Patlabor is that it can cross genres, themes and tones while still feeling like Patlabor so it'd be interesting to see if they could capture that in a new show/film.Professor Irony said:First trailer for a new Patlabor short directed by Yasuhiro Yoshiura (!) as part of the Animator Expo.
Imagine if Yoshiura made a full-length Patlabor feature. I would weep openly.
Buzzkillington said:This whole affair is just reminding me of that time when I was downstairs and saw all of the US Patlabor BDs for sale on eBay for the god damn bargain price of £80, so I ran upstairs to my PC that has me logged into eBay to buy them and they sold in that small space of time it took me to get upstairs (about 10 seconds).haunts my dreams from time to time.
MVM did have that attempt at releasing the OVA series, which could potentially have led to the full set being released. Apparently it wasn't too likely they'd release the TV series due to the BBFC fees, although I guess if it had performed exceptionally well then it might have been worth it. It apparently did quite badly so that may have put them off releasing the movies. I suppose it's also possible that the UK rights for the movies are still tied up.Lutga said:I keep saying the Patlabor movies are ripe to be picked up by Anime Ltd given Beez did those sets a while back. I'd kill to have the second movie on Blu-Ray in particular - I always say the Manga dub of that is probably one of the finest English dubs of any anime, ever - an oddity given so many of the Manga dubs of that era are poor quality.