The News Thread (for news that does not need a thread)

A nice idea! With some planning of free time, £1.50 could be an absolute steal for those on a budget.

Kid Icarus: Uprising's Twitter has confirmed that the three anime shorts will be available from 14th March on the Nintendo 3DS' "Nintendo Video" service.

The first one, by Production I.G., is already available in America.
Shiroi Hane said:
Sentai have Bantorra.

[edit /]
Is Patton still in the Texas area?

Must be since he worked on "The World Only God Knows" and "Tower Of Druaga", and were Sentai and Funi respectively. What more surprises me is that he has a Boyfriend

Rui said:
When I googled him, he came up as being in TWOGK, and that wasn't too long ago.

Whoops just noticed your post Rui, thought you ment something completly different
MrLaserSharkKH said:
Interesting to note that Anime-On-Demand now has a One Week Pass option for a very small fee and very worth it fee of £1.50

Interesting to note for future reference, when I eventually run out of use for my rolling 3-Month Pass!

Naysayer's have no excuse now!
I was just considering going under this option, considering i'm waiting on the drop of the need to have an Paypal account. Though I noticed that it's not a simple £1.50 payment, it's basically £1.50 per week unless you text for it to stop. While this isn't a big issue in itself, I don't like being put into an 'auto-renewal' system - I shouldn't have to text to prevent renewal, I should be given the option to from the start.
Some information about the Tiger & Bunny movies.

While the second film will feature an entirely new story, it sounds like the first film will be a reboot (with the way it's carefully worded, it doesn't sound like a mere recap). Which to be honest, is a tad disappointing.

Also, the movie is slated to be shown in Hong Kong, Taiwan and Singapore as well as Japan, with Europe and America planned for later.

My reaction to the Discotek licenses:

That Casshan OVA is actually pretty good fun. The final episode contains a pretty gnarly (if brief) smack-about between the hero and the big baddie.

Shin Getter Robo Vs Neo Getter Robo is, likewise, a worthy license.

But SAMURAI PIZZA CATS is teh one I'll DEFINITELY be picking up! And I'm not even joking!
"Couldn't get discs made in time"

You mean blu-ray discs cannot be made in time for MangaUK to see them as profitable (ie: Ever).

I don't have a lot of money to spend right now (my bank account is a whopping £1), so I can hold out until Manga's release for that...unless it's DVD-only, then I'll import.
VoxPhantom said:
Not sure if it has been mentioned on here in other threads, but Manga have confirmed Angel Beats has been delayed until 25th June.
Manga Entertainment; we work to confirm that "Worst anime company" title, dammit.

Seriously; it's like they saw the SPC announcement and went "Well, we can't let people be happy today, let's piss on someone's cornflakes!".
fabricatedlunatic said:
Don't even go there /o\

A two month delay. Swell. Discs won't be ready in time. How long ago was Angel Beats announced? Christ almighty.
All the way back in October.

With the AB release, I can't help but get vibes that Manga is doing to AB what it did with Kenichi.
Cancellations, delays, epileptic fit-inducing subtitles. UK anime Blu-ray market, you are officially dead to me.

I'll be ordering the Sentai releases of Angel Beats and Mardock Scramble soon.

Joshawott said:
Section 23 Release Schedule.

K-ON! Season 2 Volume 1 out in June?! Madness! Love it though.
Sentai does the business once again. Fingers crossed for non-gimped audio this time.