The General Conversation Area

Voddas said:
It's better than the first imo. Plenty of actioned to keep you occupied. You will enjoy it.

Glad you enjoyed it :p Can't wait to see what they do for the third movie now, shame its out when the olypmics is out, i could of done with it coming out sooner.

Still plently of movies coming out to keep me preoccupied, my g/f is already dragging me to Ice Age 3 (in 3D) and the Blues Brothers one day only release. I'll bide my time though as next year she's seeing Iron Man 2 with me :twisted:
Morning Black.

I'm looking fwd to Iron Man II like.
Transformers was very good. Don't know why people would complain.
Another movie I can't wait for is "The Hobbit". They're taking ages over it. Looks like it's going to be a two parter too.

Wonder if it will be as epic as LOTR. :D
Is it a NEW Blues Brothers movie? or is it just a re-release of the original. God I love the Blues Brothers too. And to think, it all started as a side show on "Saturday Night Live".
i forgot about the hobbit :p that should be good considering LotR. Thor is another movie coming out next year i believe...or was it the year after. i know that 2011 is giving us some good films like Captain America: The First Avenger and the Avengers movie.

@Chaos its out in july in cineworld, unsure if its just a local or nationwide thing.

I think people's misgivings about TF2 was mainly plot/cheese level, or they are "true" TF fans that won't be happy until they get their own personal TF movie made that only they would like (i say "true" because that's what they call themselves when in fact there's no such thing)
I'm a "true" Transformer fan!! ;)

I know what you mean. There was definately plenty of cheese in the movie but I can't complain. There's too many good things over ruleing it.

Thor doesn't look that great but I bet they pull out all the stops for Captain America. Avangers will be sweet too by my estimations.
Trust me from the arugments i've seen you don't want to be a true fan :p They have their heads firmly up their own backsides and think that unless they like it, everything is crap.

Avengers is the big payoff for Marvel studios, i'm hoping it will tie in everything nicely, although i read the other day that Iron Man is actually a three film series.
The Blues Brothers is awesome, I've got a poster on my wall. ^^
I hope they don't go trying to make another sequel, though.

Also, Iron Man was one of the only good Marvel movies so I'll be looking forward to more of that.
nah its not a sequel Iisan, just the first film re-released :)

anyway time for me to head off, damn time limits so i'll see you all later at some point, counting down to my full time return to this hallowed walls ;)

later guys :)
You must be picky when it come to Marvel then iisan. What about X-Men and Spiderman and the like?

I agree on the BB Sequal also. Total fail. I like to pretend it was never made.

@Black: I suppose I'm not a true TF fan then lol. I just love giant robot battles. If they can do this in such great quality. What's to stop them making an awesome Mecha movie. I wonder if Eva is still in the pipe line?
I'm not really anymore into marvel then the next guy, I've just seen very few good Marvel films.

The first X-Men was good, the second was alright and the third was pretty bad. Havn't seen origins. The first spiderman was OK, the second one was OK the third one was awful. 'Course I've seen worse superhero movies then any of those. Superman Returns, anyone?

Theres an English Ponyo trailer out.
Superman Returns was a slight disapointment like, but then again, Superman wasn't ever one of my favourites. As long as there was no kryptonite about he was unstable. Kinda takes all the fun out of it.

*looks at time*

I'm off to lunch now anyways so I'll be back in about 30/45mins.

"I'd like to thank you all ladies and gentlemen and the Illinois police department for being here tonight" :p

i loved the blues brothers. good songs, funny film.

i'm watching the hang over with the lads on saturday :)
the hobbit? i enjoyed the book....hope it lives upto it. and i wonder if the casting will be the same as the LOTR, if not it'll flaw straight away.

sat here eating chow fan :D