The General Conversation Area

Hey guys,

Busty day today so I doubt I'll be in much. I've got a lot of stuff to do. On top of it all I just received a very inaccurate electric bill which I now need to sort out. ¬_¬

I had serious trouble crawling out of bed this morning too Panda. I forced myself to get in the shower while it was still cold in order to motivate myself to do anything today.
Hi ayase :)
I'm not brave enough to do the cold shower thing, I prefer just to turn up to work still half-sleep and then complain all day lol.
Ah well, two weeks and then I'm off on holiday again :D

/EDIT - dammit, I thought after 500 posts I might get to stop being a pokemon! At least psyduck is better than magikarp I guess... :lol:
Hey there - my office is always in the wrong temperature. ALWAYS!

I believe this is all part of an conspiracy to make me unconfortable.
This explains the conspiracy perfectly... clearly the BNP have taken over your office, and with lack of anybody who is directly forgein to harrass they have focused on the next best thing - someone who has been to lots of other countries. It all makes sense. Be more secretive about your travelling plans Chaos, tell the BNP you're visiting your aunt in Nottingham, they'll love it.
hello all that have magically appeared in a flash of boob punned comments lol.

i'm alright thanks panda....women are pain in the backside mind....but whats new? (no offence :p)

sat in work wishing i was in bed....stayed up till the ealry morning sorting out a problem that had arised from nowhere. and watching date movie....i got halfway before the ultimatum to delete it off my tv came. then i sat playing monster hunter :p

erm....its being released for psp voddas. oh and the Wii ¬_¬ (epic fail on capcoms part) the Wii better do it justice or there will be white knock off plastic and 2bit console all over the floor on release day.

my mate has downloaded a copy of UNITE and keeps teasing...the sod! lol.

off to lunch.

be back in 30 roughly.
Urgh I had a huge piece of chocolate cake for lunch and now I feel sick lol

And that's okay Tach, no offence taken - I work with an office full of women and believe me I know what you mean! I'd rather work with men any day - much less bitching and complaining!
iisan said:
This explains the conspiracy perfectly... clearly the BNP have taken over your office, and with lack of anybody who is directly forgein to harrass they have focused on the next best thing - someone who has been to lots of other countries. It all makes sense. Be more secretive about your travelling plans Chaos, tell the BNP you're visiting your aunt in Nottingham, they'll love it.
Wondering if my followers on twitter are related to BNP...

Afternoon all. Just had myself a loong meeting. It was so stuffy in there I was starting to feel sleepy so my only resort was coffee! Hot room! Hot drink to stay awake! Now I know what hells like... and my boss is waiting for me there!! o_O

Hoping this afternoon flies in. Can't wait till Transformers!!!

@Tachi: It's coming out for Wii? lol That means I may buy it... it they haven't fooked it up like. :p
panda z said:
And that's okay Tach, no offence taken - I work with an office full of women and believe me I know what you mean! I'd rather work with men any day - much less bitching and complaining!
I heard this from other friends as well. I never worked in an environment full of women - I guess it's a treat of IT. I studied with plenty of women though and anedoctal evidence from the women I knew is that man/man friendship lasts longer than woman/woman friendship.

Otaku-san said:
chaos said:
I've lived there until 2006, bu I've been all over the place.
so i take it even the military junta years as well then, poor south Americas it has it rougher then public lav toilet paper
We call it military dictatorship, not junta.

Dictatorship there ended in the late 80's, so a lot of it stilll persisted, such as the people's lack of "voice" to speak their minds about government. Everybody complains, but very few realized they can actually do something about it. Censorship is over.

They are realizing it little by little and I believe it will be a brilliant place in 10 / 15 years. IMO, the big issue to be resolved is corruption, as Brazil supposedly has the 10th biggest GDP in the world. For instance, being a brazilian congressman you get 15k more than an UK MP. Awesome job, I'd say :/
Aion said:
{Ayase's Youtube account} {Found it!}

Just for confirmation, that isn't me. That's Generic Longhaired Loser (Northern) #94684. I'm #94682. He outranks me on Manga but I outrank him on hair length. Also, I do not, have not and will not ever own any sports games. I'll have him up before the GLL Council for that, far too mainstream.

Other than that, a scarily accurate impersonation. I think it's time I grew a beard.