The General Conversation Area

lol bought one about 10 years ago and found it fun for all of 5 seconds....till i ended up in a crumpled heap on the floor. funnily enough....haven't tried it since.

lol black i think you should check your emails :p
things have changed somewhat since you abandoned us for recreational activities ;)
Tachi- said:
lol black i think you should check your emails :p
things have changed somewhat since you abandoned us for recreational activities ;)

Again i'll say get your mind out of the gutter :p

Also from my point of view nothing's changed :lol:

Although i'll say this, its nice to know not one of you checked my art thread that i updated a couple of days before my mini holiday :(

Heh just noticed that all three of those sentances started with A
hi Iisan :) nice system you've got there, i had something similar for my final year project, anime :p i moved through about 3 shows like that, and ended up watching the brillant Zone of the Enders: Dolores finale after i handed in my last assignment
*awaits chaos' email* lol

well....have you tried your emails black?

and good going Iisan. the last 15 minutes is always the hardest :p might need to work on it more than the other revision just so you can score perfect on it ;) :lol:

where's ayase dissapeared off too....*pulls out sherlock holmes outfit*
Yeah I was doing it with ouran a few weeks ago, watching like a half-episode for every 30mins, but the inevitable happened and I ran out of episodes. FFVII is a safer way to go considering I'll never do enough revision to finish the damn thing. xD
Otaku-san said:
BlackWolf said:
I have checked them :p what have i supposed to have gotten?

A packet of fags and a clip of rick moranis in .avi format

i'll only accept the clip if its him doing Dark Helmet :p

EDIT: Oh so that's what chaos was talking to me about on sat night...yeah i already told him that i wouldn't do it


me and ayase are thinking voddas would suit it great.

and dw Iisan, whenever i'm concerned, there tends to be emails sent to people regarding certain things not yet released on the forums or just blankly random things......mostly just jokes :p
I declare **** joke time, in which everyone must participate.

What's the difference between a duck?
One of it's legs is both the same.

How low can YOU go?
iisan said:
I declare **** joke time, in which everyone must participate.

What's the difference between a duck?
One of it's legs is both the same.

How low can YOU go?

wtf. that doesn't even make sense.

EDIT: hi mono *puts hands over her innocent ears*

Why do girls rub their eyes when they wake up?
because they don't have balls to scratch
A driver sees an two aliens standing at the side of the road, both have one eye no arms, and only one leg. He says to them
"Aye,Aye, you look harmless hop in" :p

(if you don't get that joke think about the way you would pronouce that last part)

@Tachi, two reasons:

Firstly) i hate the sound of my voice on recordings, so even if someone is filming me on a camcorder, i say very very little otherwise i'll have to blank the audio on the tape.

Secondly) i'm a more "behind the scenes" kinda guy, i rather not be seen or heard and just take care of things. Doing something like that is not my style...that and i don't care for Podcasts anyway, no particuar reason why just not something i generally listen to.

I much rather help out this site by either writting or drawing :)
Tachi- said:
Why do girls rub their eyes when they wake up?
because they don't have balls to scratch
Hahaha, what a beautiful sentiment.

A woman, desperate for money, goes into a butcher's and bets the owner £10 can't reach the meat on the top shelf.
When he declines, she asks why and the butcher replies;
The steaks are too high.

BlackWolf said:
A driver sees an two aliens standing at the side of the road, both have one eye no arms, and only one leg. He says to them
"Aye,Aye, you look harmless hop in"
Haha, classic.

Yo Mononoke!