The General Conversation Area

ahh alright then, fair do's.

i wish chaos would reply soon as that happens i can run some things through with him.

how about helping the podcasts by doing recon work and some reviews??
you don't need to speak....just do the background work :)
You talking about the site?
I might be able to help out after the 18th of this month.
I don't know coding or anything, but I can write a review or two I'm sure.
Hi mono how are you today :)

@Tach yeah that sounds better although i ramble in reviews i've not gotten the ability to get straight to the punch...and any reviews i do on Gundam SEED or SEED Destiny will probably be akin to mud :p
i'm good thanks mono :)

oh btw people there is a new art in my thread, it's been there a week now so just checking that you actually bothered to go and look at it :p
Hey mono,

and thanks Iisan,

I'll say i but as of yet i have to speak to chaos on the matter as i want to get some things underway including comps.

in other words i need a strong team behind this. a couple of reviewers dedicated to watching anime and taking notes during or after, writting about how well the character design/story is and any other lasting effects. a basic review.
A couple of willing people to host the podcast. atm me and ayase are all for it, unfortunately my sudden enthusiasm for a podcast was a little to late to catch voddas and ask him if he's up for it. also need soundtracks....and somebody to possibly make a unique OST for it.

we need someone who goes to london expo's regularly and would be willing to take recordings of press releases. and review the day basically.

also need designers to design a logo as my logo attempt in paint is bland and yet to be presented to chaos :(

all in all i think a team of 6-8 would be the scale we are looking at, also there would be a board meeting before every podcast.

okay chaos. i'm off to lunch now, be back later.
Reviewing new releases may be tricky for me due to money problems as i say i'm okay with doing behind the scenes stuff, what kind of logo are you wanting?...i say you get Minako in it some where :p
Keep in mind if you wanted to do this for this site, we already have reviewers doing the latest you'd need to touch on ones we wouldn't normally get if you where doing it otherwise ;p

I know it'll seem like i'm picking out you all and such, but reviews aren't exactly as easy as 1..2..3 either. Its the same for just writing anything like a blog or whatever, and i'm sure reviewing it through speech wouldn't be as simplistic either. Basically, you need to be pretty confident in your use of english, writing ability and such. I'm not trying to throw you off and all, but i am just saying ;p
BlackWolf said:
Reviewing new releases may be tricky for me due to money problems as i say i'm okay with doing behind the scenes stuff, what kind of logo are you wanting?...i say you get Minako in it some where :p

That'll be one of the comps.

iisan said:
I'm quite interested, though I'm not sure where I'd fit on the team.
Keep us updated!

tbh i have alot to talk to chaos about first. but as for can relax abit. that'd be sorted out in the first board meeting. atm its just people putting themselves forward for being part of the team. and then just seeing how things go to start off with.

we haven't sorted out how to record it yet. i've left some ideas chaos' way. he likes one of them :p

Arby, i've taken all that into account and the normal reviewers will be the first base for reviews. i was asking if any others where willing to give reviewing a shot...its worth a shot wouldn't you agree? plus solely relying on the constant reviewers is unfair to the rest.
i can review things that aren't new...thats much better thanks arby :p My only fault with reviewing is length, i need to learn to cut things down...word limit helps with this (...usually helps)
Afternoon people.

Sorry, I've been too busy talking politics to check in today (you can take off the deerstalker hat and pipe now Tach) :p

Also I don't have much interesting to say today - My weekend was very quiet and mainly involved Star Trek DVD's.
I wouldn't say unfair no. I'm not saying don't do anything for AUKN, i wouldn't, heck the more livelier the place gets the better in my opinion, but i mean, they are the sites review team after all. I won't deny however that people should give reviewing a shot if they feel up to it, as you never know until you try. Maybe it could be deemed reviews from the general forum members instead of the review cast though, i dunno.
Its intended for the whole website. not just the general thread ;)
i'm saying that yes we have the reviewing team....and i'm intending to speak to them about this. if they are willing to allow us to use their reviews on the podcast....and ofcorse give royalties and credits to them.

i'm just waiting to hear back from chaos about what he thinks, i've got a list here of things to talk to him about and jobs are on the top of the list. i'm aware that this won't spring up over night but i'm eager to try and organize this on behalf of the website.

Ayase.....deerstalker? :S
I appreciate the enthusiam, but as Arby pointed out. It's not that easy. the idea for a podcast is one that is lurking around for a while. Ryo is a big advocate to it.

Even though I love the idea of presenting, I know I'm not a good choice, unless these competitions you're talking about is "What did chaos just said?"

Also, what do you plan to give away in these competitions? I must say that it's pretty difficult to get prizes for them, I keep on harassing distributors for prizes and I put as much as I can on the website. I'm not really too hot for competitions on a podcast.

With regards to review material I can provide that. But we do require a certain quality level. For instance, I'd love to write, but I don't think I'm a good reviewer.

I might give it a try again later though.
Hey Ayase, nice work in the politcs thread :thumb:

hmm i see what your saying Arby, maybe it would be best to see who would want to help out with such a thing, i'm sure Aion would love for his reviews to be taken to another level since he's gotten much better at doing them.

heh i just had a fun idea but it would be too hard to pull off unfortunatly :lol:
I can see where both Tach and Arby are coming from here.

::taps official reviewer badge::

However perhaps it could be solved by having separate podcast presenter(s) who didn't really review so much as presented and raised issues with the reviewers and / or had discussions with other members after an official review? Kinda like how the newsreader chats with Mark Kermode on Film 24 on the BBC News Channel. That way the current reviewers and other members could all be involved, and reviewers would still retain their status.

Just a thought. :p

@Tach - You had a Sherlock Holmes outfit on didn't you? And I'm looking forward to these royalties! :lol: