The General Conversation Area

So I'm browsing through the store list you guys have and I've found a bunch of Gundam 00 and Gundam Unicorn collectibles...very tempted to pick up this:
MrLaserSharkKH said:
ilmaestro said:
edit: and just had half a cream egg melted into a bowl of Weetabix as my Easter treat... works surprisingly well!

That does sound quite good thinking about it now, I got the eggs but... I don't have the Weetabix :(
The Weetabix are definitely a required part of the combo. :lol:
ilmaestro said:
MrLaserSharkKH said:
ilmaestro said:
edit: and just had half a cream egg melted into a bowl of Weetabix as my Easter treat... works surprisingly well!

That does sound quite good thinking about it now, I got the eggs but... I don't have the Weetabix :(
The Weetabix are definitely a required part of the combo. :lol:
Sounds like an interesting combo! Mind you my cousin suggested chocolate spread & peanut butter toastie dunked in cider, so anything is possible really! :lol:
so two humourous things I've found on the net today...

by typing in 'Evangelion chat' in google search comes up with a US Digital Millennium Copyright Act. for whatever reason.

Then whilst pretending to role play as a character on facebook, as so many others have before, led me to be reported as 'not being this person' needing to give my phone number as such. I find it quite silly if someone actually reported me
i've been off for the past 10 days relaxing and spending time with the missus and our families. I start my new job tomorrow, so i expect i may be quiet again for the next few weeks, here's hoping i don't turn out like Voddas and only post once in a rare blue moon.

Till next time, take care all :)
First day is abit... messed up lets say, took 2 hours to commute into work and i have no work to do as such, just had a meeting with my new manager and have spoken about next monday and things, seems i'll be sat in a corner with the manager and team leaders helping to build the service and my contacts in the training department and outside agencies will be utilised for the first initial inductions and transferrable skills to build a plan for the recruitment of the rest of the team.

Turns out i'll have a board on the wall next to me with real time results of the 50 staff in the office, if workloads get too high i can then delegate to the team leaders :)

Can't wait to get into the new offices now, i'm 1 of 4 people with a fixed desk as the rest of the department will be hot desking :)
My new job is completely different, for a starter i've already spent £1,000 today for the new department to run live on monday, i'm organising change of circ's forms for the whole department and using my contacts in HR, training and agencies to aid the service as of mondays launch.

Completely different title, different department and 17miles away from home rather than 13.

My old job was a training administrator, i'd book training for staff and deliver the training myself, without going into too much detail i was left to deal with the training of all staff in the bureau - some 1000 staff, with competencies to upkeep and alot of paperwork coming in and out of the office on a daily basis.

its 3 paygrades higher and the work tree is as follows:

Service Manager
Office Manager
4 Team leaders all qual to each other
50 clinicians and referral admins

I can authorise annual leave, have my hand in the budgets and recruitment of staff aswell as inductions and auditing. There's more but i'm just getting my head round the basics right now.

Just wish i could sleep, i slept an hour at best lastnight and its the gf's sisters 21st tonight so i won't be getting chance for an early night *sigh*

How's things on your end?
Tachi said:
I can authorise annual leave, have my hand in the budgets and recruitment of staff aswell as inductions and auditing. There's more but i'm just getting my head round the basics right now.

Just wish i could sleep, i slept an hour at best lastnight and its the gf's sisters 21st tonight so i won't be getting chance for an early night *sigh*

How's things on your end?

So thats where the missing money went.......

Thankfully i don't have the job of the guy to my right... he's undertaken a new project for a completely different part of the NHS and somewhere along the line more than £290k has gone missing from his departments budget.

Saying that he's more occupied on sky sports websites and telling me about a 5 a side football match all the office managers go and play each tuesday after work lol
chaos said:
People talking about work and I'm here jobless....
Join the club... Still, maybe we'll see you around here a bit more often eh? :p

Congrats on the new job Tach, hope it all goes well for you man. What I wouldn't give for a job with even a bit of damn POWER. The only higher up role I have enough experience for is sales... but I never want to work in sales again. I f*cking hate customers. I know most salespeople do, but I can't do the two-faced thing any more. It's not good for my mental health.
Tachi said:
How's things on your end?
I just want to be done with uni. Coming to the end of third year and currently thinking about what I'm doing for my honours project next year. I'll be glad to be out of uni and hopefully working in a year's time. I don't even care about getting a web design job. I just want a job in the first place.

ayase said:
chaos said:
People talking about work and I'm here jobless....
Join the club... Still, maybe we'll see you around here a bit more often eh? :p

Congrats on the new job Tach, hope it all goes well for you man. What I wouldn't give for a job with even a bit of damn POWER. The only higher up role I have enough experience for is sales... but I never want to work in sales again. I f*cking hate customers. I know most salespeople do, but I can't do the two-faced thing any more. It's not good for my mental health.
If I could go back to my summer job in 2010 of operating machinery and driving forklifts I would. I was usually left to get on with the job, so managers wouldn't come find me to annoy the hell out of me often and the pay was decent. I don't mind not having power. I just want a job where I can be left alone to get on with it.
Mmm. I can totally see where you're coming from, but unfortunately I'm somewhat sociopathic and lust after power and wealth.

I should probably just bite the bullet and take up politics or investment banking.