The General Conversation Area

Otaku-san said:
Back from holiday now, was able to get in some fencing and archery in between catching up on anime shows and Visual novel arcs.
Do you mean to suggest that you partake in such sports simultaneously? I can only imagine the consequences.

MaxonTreik said:
He finally fulfilled his dream of turning 2D.

And now charts the seas of cyberspace in an inflatable dingy.

*Alright next person add their input to the Ilmaestro's world, association topic*
Sparrowsabre7 said:
Anyone know where Ilmaestro is? He's not been around for a few weeks now.

He wrote he was leaving for a couple of weeks of holiday.
Now I suppose he's preparing those 71574378 posts to answer to all the stuff that has been written here in the meantime.

Today I inadvertently extracted a screw from within a wall in an attempt to correct the office timepieces. A pivoting chair I did scale to return the wayward fastener to its homely stone orifice.
So, I got conditional offers for both of the Japanese courses at SOAS that I applied for. Which is pretty cool as SOAS is where I always wanted to go. I just need to get the grades now :)
As my cv has been circulating around the HR department and new SPA team (single point of access) i received a call from the manager of the SPA team requesting that i come to site (another drive down to radlett *sigh*) and have an informal interview regarding the job that has a 2 band payrise.

I'm only in the office for another hour at best and having worked my backside off to clear my desk of work i've just got to sign off these new starters before i go so just paying the forums a visit. Chances are i'll be back in the office tomorrow on a part day as i'll make a case of going back down to radlett to speak with union reps. Then off to oxfordshire first thing on friday morning.

Have alot to do still, went for an indian with the missus and her parents lastnight and i'm due to meet up with the guys tonight for a pint or two down the local however i may push that back to tomorrow night as i may go round to the gf's again and try and book this holiday with dean and lora, somewhere in this i'll have to put washing on for the week away and pack the car with everything.

No rest for the wicked eh?

Hopefully my masonic badges arrive in the post today too ^___^
ayase said:
Tachi said:
Hopefully my masonic badges arrive in the post today too ^___^
So THAT's why you always seem to get your way at work! :p

lol not entirely, Being part of Unison also helps.

Anyway the upshot of my meeting yesterday: turns out the manager for the team i'm being seconded to is one of 3 directors from Beds and Luton partnership trust that was taken over by south essex in 2009-2010. She knew my surname from way back in 2007 when i worked in the I.T department and then transfered to the staff bank and built my reputation up from there.

Apparently when she saw my name in the redeployment list and called through managers from BLPT's wards and units for a character referrence and luckily spoke to the managers of 2 main wards and units which i spent untold hours helping and even went to site to help them. Seems the glowing recommendations and a list of jobs i've completed secured my shortlisting.

the best part is: i didn't even apply for the job, they've come to me regarding it and have said that they are looking to pay me 2 bands higher than my current band for the first few months, i'll get a parking permit regardless as i have one now anyway and london weighting/waiting? They do not want me as a referral administrator for much longer than a month before they increase my banding AGAIN to the job they want me for (have to do the month on the referrals side so i know the job before i get promoted further) I'll be a rules manager administrator, utilising my I.T skills i'll be working as a sort of team leader to 50 staff - they haven't even seen my CV yet and already expecting so much from me based of recomendations so i'm taking it as a good sign.

So within the next month to 2 months i may have to leave AUKN, the job requires a 24hour service as a referral admin so i may end up working nights or weekends and things won't actually pan out to a regular 9-5 until the rules manager promotion so maybe june time.

I guess it just goes to show, if you put the work in and build a reputation then people remember even years down the line. Can't say i'm pleased with the thought of working nights or weekends but that should only be for a short while.

On a reflection note, things are moving too fast for me to keep track of, i seem to be getting myself further and further up the career path but this amount of change doesn't come easily. Part of me is saying "i should have stuck with my original answer to them" which was no.

feeling great but at the same time as though my whole life is about to change and spiral out of control, i hope i can be promoted to RMA sooner rather than later... the thought of working weekends or nights.... i guess this feeling is fear.
ok so im shaking right now..... i just received a call from the to-be manager.... they want me to go across as early as the 16th to help build the service and be the team leader from scratch so when referral admins come across im their boss......

holy ****

Just spoken to my manager and they are happy for me to leave on the 16th but i want to stick it out for that week so i start the last week of the month..... 6 grand jump in 24 hours, still in shock and have butterflies in stomach. It means i'll keep my 9-5 but based from trust HQ, have a hand in who i want in the team and the recruitment.
That sounds pretty amazing Tach. Money? Check. Power? Check. Woman? Check. Looks like you've made it man. Good luck with it all!
Thanks Ayase, i can see me working my backside off everyday for the next few years but to have this opportunity i guess its once in a lifetime, i've always wanted to be a team leader and to see that come true ... im still shook up about it all.

But i'm going to be a firm but fair boss, i want to be that guy who staff will want to have a laugh with and go for xmas meals as a team and everyone get on, though i can't help but think that i may turn into david brent somewhere along the lines lol.

Still have to get the start date confirmed as i want to give the team here a transition period rather than what the SPA team want which would mean that today is my last working day here.
Just been into Leeds, and had a browse of the anime section. Not in the mood for bankrupting myself so didn't buy anything, but I did notice a few things.

Moribito Complete Collection:

Moribito Part 1:


With the complete collection being £35.
That's so bizarre I would actually query those prices and point that out to the staff. Not in a confrontational way of course (it's hardly their fault) but if no-one says anything then it'll just stay that way. Crazy.