The General Conversation Area

Congratulations! Something that you definitely need to go through, even just to realize that it's not as good an idea as too many people make it out to be. ^^;
Hang on, So are you a guy or a girl or a blue cat or black british?

So much confusion, but either way.... you got drunk for the first time in your life, slept in the afternoon then work up with a hangover at night?

For next time, the usual proceedure is:
Go out drinking, from as eary as 7.30pm and do not finish until 3.30-4am the next day, go to sleep and your body will magically wake you up at some ungodly hour (possibly as early as 8am) and you'll feel like your head is underwater with a headache, stomach may feel like you've never eaten in your life and thus begins the hangover lol.


Meant to go to the post office after work today, hopefully the que will be short so i can just get the damn thing (sender charged me postage but then didn't put the damn postage on the order) then the way i'm feeling right now, i'll go to bed and sleep through till tomorrow :)
To clear up all the confusion (Tachi's confusion) i'm an 18 year old bearded black dude who hates with a passion most other black people (the ones i've met in RL anyway) :p
Mutsumi said:
I think what they really wanted you to clarify was whether you like dicks or clunge. Or both.

After a few pints i can sound like Jay too :p

Cheers for clearing that all up, I think i'll just be safer acknowledging you as the B.B.C*

*big blue cat.