The General Conversation Area

I dearly wish it would stop pissing it down. I'd be happy with ten-foot snow drifts, just STOP RAINING. I've had to listen to drainpipes emptying all night for about the past week, and if there's one thing that stops me getting off to sleep it's repetitive, incessant noises.
Rain is nothing new; it's just the relentlessness of it. I honestly don't think I've ever known it rain for so long with such short gaps in between. The ground here hasn't been dry in about two weeks.

I do sometimes wonder about moving to Scotland for a free university education and to vote against the SNP, but I'd rather be somewhere in North America if they'd have me. I quite like the idea of New Mexico - nice and hot, I wouldn't have to learn another language and there are only sixteen people per square mile. My kinda place.
Finally page 1000,

It has been a personal decision to cut my posting and browsing of the forums and upon the 1000th page to quit the forums all together.

Though i've reduced browsing and posting to once or twice a week i can't fully leave yet. ... ePzz_CEuQ#!

I'm not going to embed this as the content is very heavy and quite stomach churning (for me at least). What does anyone think of this kind of shock tactic? Personally, I have to say I don't like it when they resort to socking like this, and I disapprove of using real children in these kinds of films or adverts (such as other ones for child abuse, ect). However it does make it's point.
Kind of weird. People have been raising this issue for a while now, if people don't care then they just don't care. Some fabricated video with a setting totally unrelated to the one in which the real-life version is taking place isn't going to change their mind.
In March i'll have been here 4 years, Alot has changed in that time and just like with where i work - i just feel its time to move on, though i can't just yet.

Believe me, nobody will really feel a difference from me not being here lol.
Your other eye is still there, thats bare minimum to read an email lol.

Should your other eye fall out i'll send it in brail ;)
Should your fingers fall off, i'll send you an audio file/radio broadcast
Should your ears stop working, i'm not bothing with you... too much hassle :p

Next time you call the office, just say "alright man? Its *such and such*" so i won't sit there thinking "who the hell's this?" like on monday.

Plan to finish my xmas shopping tonight - late night shopping once per week, what happened to the xmas spirit?