The General Conversation Area

why does Fairy tail annoy me so........

as much as i love it, why does it insist showing spoilers in it's opening 7 episodes before the previous arc is even finished
At the risk of not exactly helping my already shaky reputation here as a homeopathy using, god believing, big pharma doubting, Vash loving quack- I'm going to post this Alex Jones video.

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Now I'm not exactly a fan of this Alex Jones guy, however when it comes to enthusiastically putting across certain points there really is no one else quite like him. I felt this circumstance warranted his presence in this thread.

Seriously though, what is Obama up to? I keep wanting to like him and think he's just a 'good guy in a tough place', but he keeps disappointing me.

Oh well, he is part of the 13 bloodlines after all...
Obama, like Bush, like every president since probably Kennedy (or maybe even Eisenhower - and Nixon was running most things for him) and certainly like Blair and Cameron in this country, is a puppet. He probably doesn't realise he's a puppet, as the people with the real power like to back charismatic ideologues because, well, they're more electable. You just have to look at what politicians say before they take office, and then what they do when they are elected. They can promise change, but they can never effect it in any meaningful way. There are too many vested interests and powerful, wealthy unelected people who are always there no matter who you elect - and some of them can make or break a politician's career with the right headline. I have suspicions a few of them could still have a politician's skull shattered with a bullet if they so desired.

As for this actual law, from what I read and hear these days American military personnel are getting ever more fed up with the government and the whole pointless (well, it makes money for the wealthy and powerful through the military-industrial-congressional complex) "War on Terror" now that it's abundantly clear it has done nothing to keep American people safe, and everything to work as a recruiting poster for extremists (oh, and send several thousand young people off to their deaths). So the likelihood of wholesale mass slaughter of US citizens by their government decreases with every passing day. Of course, imprisoning people is a good business - it costs the US taxpayer billions of course, but for the private prison providers? The figures speak for themselves.

Alex Jones is a bit out there for my tastes. I think he gets a few things right (what I would call "open" conspiracies, ones obvious to anyone with a modicum of intelligence who actually does a bit of digging) but then he plays connect the dots and comes up with more ideas there is no factual basis for at all. Do I think a global elite is out to kill us all, or create a 1984 style society of absolute control? No. Do I think they're doing everything they can to transfer as much power and wealth into their own hands as possible, whilst working everyone else into a position of debt servitude and returning us to a near feudal society? Most definitely.
Mm, Good post, I very much agree. Obama is almost certainly a puppet it would seem (just as many others have been, as you pointed out) and in fact, he was a great way to make voting 'cool' again. Bush must have been one of the most unpopular President's in the history of the country and I think Obama was necessary to get people to believe in that good ol American dream again. Don't get me wrong, it was still a truly amazing and beautiful thing to see America accept a black man as their president, but it's obvious the man has not provided even a fraction of what everyone hoped for, and seems to be incapable of facilitating much real change.

But all this was obvious from the start, wasn't it? The most disappointing aspect of Obama for me, is just how many supposedly free thinking/intelligent people got swallowed up by the fantasy of Obama. Even HipHop culture, a culture whose real purpose was always self expression and the promotion of uncensored knowledge and exposure of hidden truths, for the first time ever in any meaningful way (ie. sponsorship from credible artists who are aware of the culture) was used as political propaganda. Disheartening beyond words. Although I have to give props to KRS1, Public Enemy and Dead prez who amongst other artists, waged their own anti-Obama campaigns during his election run.

As for Alex jones, I agree with your sentiments. Also he does seem to make the occasional ridiculous sweeping statement. I do however, think it is likely that certain empowering knowledge is being held back from the mass population. I'm not even talking about really secret information, but information that is now easily accessible to many of us, but whether this knowledge is accessible or not isn't actually the most important thing, the most important factor is whether the public is open to receive such knowledge, and it's not hard to ensure that they are closed. Whether this withholding is being propagated by a few shadowy men in smokey rooms or is just an inherent fact of the system we live in, or indeed a mix of the two, is really not of much importance. What matters is that people are educated correctly.

I think the internet is good example of how you can control the masses while technically giving them more freedom then they've ever had. People have access to truly vast amounts of great information, but unfortunately the net has a far, far, far greater amount of toxic misinformation, so how are people going to find and discern the good knowledge? Well, they go on Wikipedia or look at the first results to pop up on Youtube or Google.

A real life experiment I just conducted: I just typed the "Controversial" word Homeopathy into Youtube, the first five results were- James Randi (an infamous and passionate skeptic of Homeopathy) explains Homeopathy, a Mitchell and Webb piss take sketch, Newsnight's latest pathetic piece of anti-homeopathy propaganda, Homeopathy is NOT medicine and lastly Ben Goldacre (same as Randi) on homeopathy.

I have also read homeopathy's wiki page and it's not much better.

The vast majority will unfortunately stick to this level of digging. So in reality the net hasn't given us the unfettered liberation some believe and in fact indoctrinates as much as it liberates.

This of course was just an example of what is happening on a very large scale. However we do genuinely live in an age where more people then ever before are within a stones throw of amazingly empowering knowledge, the only thing they have to do is reach out and take it.
Bought Arcana Hearts limited edition (brand new) for £4.98 whilst the january sales lasted, yet to play it due to skyrim taking up all my time but hopefully it'll give me the push i need to make a start on strike witches.

The complete seasons 1-10 boxset of friends is my latest addiction, program wise.
Yup, it's pretty disappointing. It was also 117 a couple of months ago, but that is about the lowest it has been in my time of caring (~11 years or so).
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Watch this short video of Peter Tosh to the end! Brilliant!