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Ahhh you learn about Java, XML,Dreamweaver and etc. I am at college but i learn university course in college. I am study ICT Business Information Technology.
Haven't used Dreamweaver in years! Last time i created a website about a favourite band, it wasn't too bad though i ended up changing the backgrounds around around 300times before it looked just right lol.

Bought Assassins creed Revelations lastnight and mid way through sequence 3 :) by the looks of the trophy list they've put alot towards multiplayer - not surprising considering the revamp they've done with around 12 modes and the possibility of creating your own character practically from scratch :p

I'll be sure to play online tonight, just to see how it fairs with expectation. I'm hoping it'll be a great improvement :)
Tachi said:
Haven't used Dreamweaver in years! Last time i created a website about a favourite band, it wasn't too bad though i ended up changing the backgrounds around around 300times before it looked just right lol.
Dreamweaver and Expression Web suck hard because WYSIWYG software for creating websites are crap. It's simpler to just code stuff from scratch or use real programming software like Visual Studio.

Taka88 said:
Ahhh you learn about Java, XML,Dreamweaver and etc. I am at college but i learn university course in college. I am study ICT Business Information Technology.
Done a little Java but I hate the bloody thing. Not learned any XML yet. Might move onto that next year. It's mostly Javascript that I've been forced to learn. I like ASP.NET since it's a lot more powerful than using simple HTML.
Thankfully i haven't had to deal with any website builders for 5 years.

WHich takes me onto something thats just popped into my head, i haven't used my drawing pad on my laptop in ages! might get that out over the weekend and make a few anime characters.

On the more personal side of things i've gone back to a side project i started 2 years ago, writing a comedy series. One day i'll contact the BBC and see if they can make it into a program, probably give me my big break and get me out of this office.
sat on the bus this morning gave me a strange idea for it though - when someone presses the button for the bus to stop at the next stop and you hear the little ding, someone went abit OTT and pressed if about 5 times... in my head i pictured 2 members of the public standing up and pulling long coats off themselves to reveal mexican wrestlers stood about to wrestle, only for an old woman to press for the next stop and they sigh and sit back down again.

Like a mini spoof of a wrestling round but on a bus and the comedy from the fact that the bus is something so basic and in many cases a day to day thing for the public but for a mexican wrestler to have a fight would be something completely out of the ordinary for them. Ofcorse this would be a borat sort of thing, the general public wouldn't know it was going to happen. Strange i know but just something that popped into my thoughts as a little muse.
Tachi said:
Like a mini spoof of a wrestling round but on a bus and the comedy from the fact that the bus is something so basic and in many cases a day to day thing for the public but for a mexican wrestler to have a fight would be something completely out of the ordinary for them.
I would be in favour of a socio-political system under which the occurrence you describe was frequent and ubiquitous.
memorium said:
ilmaestro said:
Google's Doodle for the 60th anniversary of Stanislaw Lem's first published book is pretty amusing. :)
Me and my mates saw that, we were like "WTF?"

It was one of their better ones. I liked this years Halloween one too.

On a random note: memorium and ilmaestro having the same image was confusing for a moment and I thought ilmaestro was reply to their own message...
Back in work today, suffered from severe headaches on my birthday and ran through till yesterday. Still its friday and family and friends are heading to luton for tomorrows party i organised over a month ago.... still with that timeframe some people who had said "yeah i'm coming" have "forgotten" and made other plans, costing me £10 deposit money per head. after putting other people into the newly made spaces i only have 1 space open now.

Should be a readyy good night :) looking forward to it, not the hang over the day after so will be buying some alka-setzers tonight a powerade and stuff to make a full english :p

Going to be covered in 21 badges, i think i have about 6 of em lol with more on the way because people are bringing me presents tomorrow instead of this tuesday because midweek is a pain so told em to leave it till the weekend :) Really want to know what the gf's bought me.
JamesX said:
memorium said:
ilmaestro said:
Google's Doodle for the 60th anniversary of Stanislaw Lem's first published book is pretty amusing. :)
Me and my mates saw that, we were like "WTF?"

It was one of their better ones. I liked this years Halloween one too.

On a random note: memorium and ilmaestro having the same image was confusing for a moment and I thought ilmaestro was reply to their own message...

lol you should had been here last month when others (myself included) all had that as our avatars :p
Haha, yeah, it was super crazy for a while.

If it makes you feel any better, JamesX, I still look at some of memo's posts and think "I did NOT post that" before I realize. ^^;
I think I've discovered a new meme from 2ch

Zin5ki said:
I recently had a dream in which Rui appeared. This is notable in view of the fact we have never met in person. I blame my low-alcohol cider.

Did I do anything cool? And was I male or female (or goose)? :D
