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Congratulations on passing! Yeah I failed once (the emergency stop was what floped me), had a break after that and then became so busy with other things I still haven't got round to taking it again. But the public trasport in London is OK I guess...
vashdaman said:
Congratulations on passing! Yeah I failed once (the emergency stop was what floped me), had a break after that and then became so busy with other things I still haven't got round to taking it again. But the public trasport in London is OK I guess...

Thanks for the kind words!! I liked doing the emergency braking procedure! One of my mistakes was during the left-reverse turn.

I imagine driving a car around London isn't such a big thing considering the public transport.
Yeah its a shame really as the emergency break isn't really hard but my instructor (who was proper dodgy! lol) never did one with me before hand, he only told me about it the lesson before my test!

I imagine driving a car around London isn't such a big thing considering the public transport.

Well to be honest driving a car around London is a living hell! You don't live in London? The public transport is ok in that there's a train or bus that goes to pretty much anywhere in London you want to go, but on the other hand its really un-reliable and things never come on time lol.
Amen, I've only had to drive around London a few times, and its never been particularly fun.

I just don't know how London is going to handle the Olympic traffic, it can barely handle traffic as it is. Sadly London probably has one of the worst transport systems of the capitals of W.Europe right now if some of the reading I did a few years back is to be believed.
Genkina Hito said:
Following on from Tachi I also passed my driving test. I racked up 5 minors though. :oops:

To beat back any nerves during the drive I had anime theme tunes going through my head.

Congratulations :) 5 minors isn't a problem at all so not even something to worry about, you passed!! Thats the main thing :p

A word to the wise; pass plus isn't actually recognised by most driving insurance companies so don't actually worry about spending another £200 for essentially nothing lol.

Back from northampton - missus came back on friday, we both went up on sunday and i was in a hospital with her from 7am till 4pm, very long day and by about 12 i'd lost all my patience and told them i was a member of HR in another trust and the lazy approach to working practice was appauling in the northampton trust is unacceptable, my last words where "i'll be on the phone to your HR manager 9am wednesday" funny how things where dealt with very quickly after that... (lazy NHS workers, bring back whips like in egyptian times)

not going into why i was there in the first place, but i was shattered lol yesterday i told myself "im not buying a ps3 game, i have flyff" i ended up leaving northampton with MW3 and The Cursed Crusade (Reduced to £22 in game for a short period - £40 RRP) so yeah for £52 i got 2 games :p (sainsburys misspriced MW3 at £30)

New gummy headphones ^___^ 3 day week, im happy.
Tachi said:
Genkina Hito said:
Following on from Tachi I also passed my driving test. I racked up 5 minors though. :oops:

To beat back any nerves during the drive I had anime theme tunes going through my head.

Congratulations :) 5 minors isn't a problem at all so not even something to worry about, you passed!! Thats the main thing :p

A word to the wise; pass plus isn't actually recognised by most driving insurance companies so don't actually worry about spending another £200 for essentially nothing lol.

Thanks for the advice. My instructor said the same thing about Pass Plus so it all depends upon checking on insurance.
Yeah don't get me wrong, there are only about 5 insurance companies that actually bother with it but for gaining experience and confidence on a moterway i have no doubt it'll be a useful skill to pick up.

I think its because the driving instructor fills out the forms for the pass plus, so they can be biased and just pass you regardless. i know some companies here make you pay £200 and you don't even get into the car, they just sign the form to say you passed and send it off.

As i said though, congratz on passing. Hopefully getting my own car in 3 weeks and cannot wait :D
My older brother finally got a job today, after years of hunting. We went to an interview at HMV at the Trocadero in Piccadily Circus and was hired there and then. My younger brother got a job last week, so that leaves me as the only one without a job...hurray >>

Oh, and DON'T get car insurance with Kwik Fit. Seriously - avoid them like the plague. They never agree to the set date for taking payment, which has led to me going overdrawn 5 months in a row. Even after I demanded last month that they remove my bank details from their system (it's my Mum's policy, but my account was put on due to her having troubles with her bank at the time) they still charge me, and now I have to go to the bank tomorrow to scream at someone for giving me charges even when the payment was reversed...
Joshawott said:
We went to an interview at HMV at the Trocadero in Piccadily Circus and was hired there and then.
A tip-top location. It is most lamentable that the Funland, formerly a mainstay of the complex, has ceased trading. I greatly miss trying my luck with the 2p penny pushers, especially due to the generous change machine adjacent to them.
Josh, with the kwik fit problem - set up for internet banking, its so easy to cancel all standing orders and direct debits. Do not take any B.S from people, i had vodafone try to bill me 3 times in 1 month for the same thing over and over again, i went online and cancelled the direct debit, to which they called me and asked why.

To cut a long story short, they had it sorted out and i received the following months payment credited so i didn't have to pay again and they apologised for it.

Had my best friend round lastnight, we played MW3 and had a right laugh. At one stage we where trying to go through stealthily but i had been spotted and so ran across to some bushes and hid, on sams screen it was a picture of me sprinting across the map and being followed by about 5 people and a helicopter searchlight :p rather funny when i jumped in the bush and they they couldn't see me but continued to stand around aimlessly shooting.

Another time i was spotted i was shot and was bleeding out, crawled round them and into the bush sam was sat in, they didn't even notice that i'd gone lol usual laughs with sniping and others with explosions, really enjoyed the survivor mode :D
If you are having any worries about moving "up" to motorway driving, just make sure you spend a fair bit of time driving around 50 and 70 limit dual carriageways at first - these will be far less intimidating, and then when you get out on the motorway it will feel like hardly a step up at all.
So, I finally got to go to the bank today. Their response? "Oh we can't return this charge because the direct debit associated with it was cancelled. You'll have to get Kwik Fit to pay it to you"...wait, what? Kwik Fit didn't give me the £6 charge - the bank did!

Get home and find out GAME tried to bill me for Skyward Sword (which isn't out until Friday). I didn't have the money in my account at the time due to Mum 'borrowing' it (aka taking my debit card, cleaning it, THEN telling me she'll repay it) yeah >>
Maxon said:
Taka88 said:
Maxon said:
Taka88 said:
Doing work my assignment, Database SQL is terrible !
I find using MySQL to connect to databases pretty straightforward. It's normalisation that I hate.

Can you help me SQL. I will pay you for £20 for complete assignment :)
Do my ASP.NET assignment for me. :p

No thanks, i have headace for bloody SQL. You go to college or ICT job ?