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Never been a fan of WoW in honesty, Flyff is more anime like and fairly good to sit down and play without having any previous experience with games like that.

There are catgirls that you fight :p that alone is reason enough for some regulars here to check it out lol.
Had a good weekend, but have to head back up this wednesday night only to come back on friday night - things you do for love.

Not used to the transition from BST to GMT and don't suppose i will be until probably a week before BST comes back into play - went to sleep at would be 2.30 BST and woke up at 6am GMT feeling fully awake.

After seeing/hearing a live local band in Northampton covering Coldplay i've been singing Yellow over and over again - downloaded clocks, the scientist, fix you and yellow and been listening to em all morning - till i saw sing for the moment on my phone and now hooked on that.
FlyFF is nothing like WoW, i feel like i should just point that out ;p, seems more closer to your regular F2P MMO, bar Guild Wars(since that's F2P after you buy it, and it's just different altogether)

In other news. Work keeps throwing Supervisor, rather, Team Leader work at me now, and that's fine, but it means i have no evenings, and all i get is an extra 95p an hour. Talk about cheap. I guess i can't complain since it does go down on my CV as supervisor work, but hell, i could do with a bit more than 95p extra an hour.
Never been a fan of WOW myself (although a former co-worker kept trying to get me to play it even to the extent of taking me to an internet cafe during one lunch break to see him play it).
Warcraft ahhh the days

Remember my friends used to gone on about WoW all the time back in the early days of college and kept bugging me to get it and Decided to get it once I played the trial, played it for about a week once I got it and never touched it again. Have to say the biggest waste of money I ever spent on a game ever and I have bought some DUD PS/2/3 games in my time.

At Work working in my office at the moment or should I say writing up reviews for various anime!! :roll:
Alright, yeah well its not strictly like WoW but with guild sieges and wars, politics in game from the community (hell a single guild get 20% of everything you sell to NPC's across 3 worlds)

I'm jumping about 10 levels per day, hadn't played at the weekend but jumped from 17 to 27 lastnight and with scrolls of exp i can see me getting to 37 no problems by end of play tonight. Just aiming to build up my own levels and follow the story quests and then build my own guild, to rival and take over the other guild - reducing tax to 5%
Well MMo arn't my most popular off genre but I do try them out for occasion. I went to try City of Heroes since it's free but I'm unable to connect to their server to download it :(
Oh for pity's sake. I've been watching Magic Users Club, and all the post I read sound like they're being read by Sae Sawanoguchi. It's like a mixture of Sherry Lynn and Chiyo-chan >.<
in work, the networks been down for hours and only just managed to get online, annual leave cancelled - despite knowing how serious the matter is.

Being ****** over by work again so come thursday i'm going as planned, annual leave or not - just go to the doctors and get a sicknote then they can **** off. just sick and tired of them constantly getting me to do things for them but i want a day back for something important? forget it.

Stupidest line from the manager "its not life and death" you idiot... you ******* idiot, you know the reason for the leave and it is life and death. ******* deadbeat reason for cancelling the leave too.

So pissed off right now.
Otaku-san said:
GTAV trailer is a hyped up preconception. That is all
Those graphics look awesome (and as for gameplay, GTA is GTA) but I'm getting seriously bored of the locations now. It seemed a long shot they'd set it outside the US (though I would kill for a new London 1969) but couldn't they at least have chosen somewhere new to base the setting on like Detroit or St. Louis? Detroit would be a brilliant choice with all the ruins of industry and urban decay. Perhaps you'd be driving through a deserted neighbourhood at night and just happen upon a burning abandoned house. Just think of the atmosphere. The criminal underworld is pretty dark after all, and I think it's time GTA got a bit darker.
those graphics are just a FMV video and have nothing to do with what the final products gameplay will look like. It's like those artist impressions on what a building development site will look like when it's finished. Show me a video preview off what the gameplay will be like, then I might be interested