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Congrats on the test Tachi. That insurance quote however is a joke. Barring any convictions, you should be able to bring that down to below £3k. There's not much point having fully comp on a £500 car; you could easily buy a replacement every year for the money you'd save going 3rd party only. Also make sure you get your job title correct and tell them it's kept in a garage.

vashdaman said:
Today I just feel so blessed and I just want to give that love back to world! Everything just seems to be lining up for me so perfectly. I feel like right now I have everything I want and any more would just be a nice bonus!
Yeah, I'm completely serious, did the Heavy D fail to convince?

In all honesty I really was being serious, I really do feel blessed and just want to give back as much love as I can.
No, if you're genuine that's great. It would just be the first time I've seen a statement like that that wasn't in some way sarcastic. Or being delivered unconvincingly by someone hopped up on antidepressants (or religion - same difference). Although for all I know you might be, but it's nice to think there are people who are genuinely happy. Good for you.
lol. Thank you bro, I appreciate it.

An don't worry I'm not on anti-depressants (or as I call them anti- Christ's, lol jus joking, I don't want to offend anyone else today..) or any drugs (despite it seeming like the opposite is true, judging by my posts). I'm not religious either, though (and I don't particularly like using this term) I am spiritual, so maybe its still same difference :p
ayase said:
Congrats on the test Tachi. That insurance quote however is a joke. Barring any convictions, you should be able to bring that down to below £3k. There's not much point having fully comp on a £500 car; you could easily buy a replacement every year for the money you'd save going 3rd party only. Also make sure you get your job title correct and tell them it's kept in a garage.


I've checked with direct companies and also with comparrison sites, occupation is correct and the cheapest i've found is £3,665 3rd fire and theft only.

No convictions and no bans or anything, i think i've found a way forward but for the time being it requires me to put the car problem on the backburner for a few months; Peugeot 207 "just add fuel" monthly payments of £199 and insurance breakdown cover and no M.O.T's for the first 3 years - great deal huh? only problem is that it needs £1500 deposit on it and the car is a 1.4litre so it'll be guzzling more petrol than a 1litre on average.

I might just move to egypt; sun, sea, sand and they've never heard of insurance. Prices for the flights: £200 max.

Problem solved, come december i'm getting a brand new peugeot 207 :) Already found uses for it - My tent, sleeping bags and airbed will live in the boot because i'm not likely to go shopping at all and even if i did then it can be put in the backseats. That clears space in my room so i can finish off the D.I.Y and have a dedicated rowing machine/workout area :)
Sorry for the double post but i have more good news.

My insurance on my tod - £3,665
My Insurance with my mum as main driver me as 2nd - £4,200
My insurance with me as Main driver, mum as 2nd - £2500
With dad also added on - £2200
With me quoted as if i was 21 already - £1,887.25

How much is that over the months? £157.27 per month

Thats more like it!
Looking Forward to getting this all sorted now :D
You've also got many a year no claims and age on your side :p

i feel like **** this morning, went to the pub with my best friend and had 4 pints of fosters followed up with 4 doubles of Port then 2 glasses of pimms and finished the night with a brandy.

on a conscious level i wasn't out to get drunk, just kept going up to the bar and ordering more and kept talking, started at 7pm finished about 11ish forgot to call or txt the missus to say i'm on my way home and woke up still fully dressed - she wasn't impressed to say the least.

Throat infection is going crazy right now, so sat with soothers and bottles of water.
Tachi said:
You've also got many a year no claims and age on your side :p
Whilst that is true, insurance premiums have shot up over the last two-three years, in general. Renewal quotes decently higher than your previous quote despite having an extra year no-claims etc.
Well after a night of the following;

Call up Peugeot dealership (i think of that bird pokemon everytime i see that word) ask if i qualify for the just add fuel offer - need to be 25 with 2+ NCD. So i ask if i qualify for finance - yep no problems and for insurance they will even give me a free £1,000 towards the cost, still i get the feeling that the insurance will be about £2,000 even with that help.

So yeah i'm booked to go and test drive and sort out some paperwork, get a quote on the total price and everything next weds, not 100% if i can afford it atm, i'd have to pay 900 on deposit - thats my decision but it means i only pay back about £104 per month for the car thats not the insurance which would need to be fully comp on a brand new car so prices are about £200+ a month total = about £300 to £400 on a new car, take into account i'll need to spend £30 every 2 weeks it'll all add up and not sure if thats worth it tbh.

So plan B came into affect;
Search for newish car on autotrader, apply to bank for a loan and pay for it that way, after hours of trying to find a car with the right price (£1500 for a 2006 with 37,000 miles and 1 previous owner vauxhall corsa 1.2litre) insurance - £100 a month - affordable? yeah sure it'll cost me £100 for the insurance a month and for that price i can bypass getting a loan and instead use my credit card and my debit account to half and half that price - newly passed M.O.T and everything so yeah thats what i'll be going for, gotta call up today to see if its still there and then to organise my money for it. The Loan got rejected by the bank - i've only had my credit card about 6months and although i pay it off everytime i'm yet to build up a sufficient credit rating to allow a loan ¬___¬

Have to pay £200 deposit for the venue i've organised for my 21st, this year is getting expensive!
As the missus is in uni again i've decided to return to Flyff, see what the people have been upto and if i can be bothered to keep up with it lol.
an anime version of WoW i guess;

Haven't logged in since 2009 and although i was about level 60 the character is on the laptop i gave to my sister so had to start from scratch, good fun and halfway to getting my board back (meaning i'll be able to fly instead of walk everywhere)

Oh a nice little side story for any that would like to know, i went to the pub lastnight with my best mate and another one of our mates - stephen - was there, his band has finally hit the big time and apparently had got a kerrang photoshoot recently, flew out to L.A and met a guy who's not an investor in them called johnny coffin who's friends with gene simmons and johnny depp apparently so they are to star in the bands first video so its all looking good for him.

Anyway, i went to answer natures call and someone ina group of girls shouts my name, i return from the toilets and say "so who called me and how do you know me?" to which a girl replies "i know you from little school" i replied "huh?" and we both said at the same time "warden hills" turns out we went to primary school together and somehow she remembers me (i think a recent pic someone else had posted and tagged on facebook may have helped) nice to see them again and completely unexpected.

End of nice little story