The General Conversation Area

I think it's just the warm weather in my case, though there's a slight overcast at the moment which makes it quite refreshing though gloomy
Tachi- said:
Friday i woke up and played Guitar hero 5 and relaxed, Leo came round in the evening and we ordered pizza from domino's at 11.40 (5 mins before they close, they mustn't have been impressed)

I lol'd hard. Well played.
Lupus said:
Tachi- said:
Friday i woke up and played Guitar hero 5 and relaxed, Leo came round in the evening and we ordered pizza from domino's at 11.40 (5 mins before they close, they mustn't have been impressed)

I lol'd hard. Well played.

That’s not the worst thing that I've done this weekend, yesterday I was in the pub and my "tutor" Toby asked if I had any girls numbers that he can call, so I went through and found him a good 20 odd numbers of girls I hardly ever talk to anymore, he decided to prank call one of them and say he was calling from the college he works for.... she put the phone down after a few minutes of his weird questions. Her dad called back on the same number and said "look toby, if you want to continue this, i'll call the police". Toby was shocked that the bloke knew his name, Toby called leo (who didn't have toby's number) and toby's name appeared as the caller on leo's phone. after a few minutes leo and sam fell about laughing and admitted that sam had given toby's number to leo earlier) so basically, toby went home confused as to how the hell this bloke knew his name was toby. i got a text at 3am saying that it was someone in his family and he hadn't realised that he'd prank called his cousin :lol:
I've found me a flat in Highbury & Islington =) I'm not homeless anymore! And I'm off to Download tomorrow, how are you guys doing?
Nicely done on finding a flat chaos.

I'm alright, got some revision done, might relax for the rest of today before some last minute cramming tomorrow before the exams start.

How has everyone's day been?
chaos said:
I've found me a flat in Highbury & Islington =)
I was born there.
Not in that very flat however, unless of course the flat you purchased was large, multi-floored and notably hospital-shaped.

Some days ago I found 20p on the floor within the Tube. Alas, the price of radishes increased by 20p on the very same day.
Getting something quite special that I found on ebay, I'll tell people about it later since it's still on bidding, BUT instead of it costing astronomical amounts I'm getting it for a tenth of the price
Otaku-san said:
Getting something quite special that I found on ebay, I'll tell people about it later since it's still on bidding, BUT instead of it costing astronomical amounts I'm getting it for a tenth of the price

lemme guess, is it an ipad?

Morning all, after spending about an hour and a half fighting with my all looks fine again. Have my exam tonight, so all today i'll be sorting out revision.
hey guys how are things? sorry i haven't been on here in a while. been moving house to croydon, working crazy hours and trying to get me a spurs season ticket for next season! what have you lot been up to?
Jiindama said:
YES!!! 1st exam went really well, so that's one of the 3 problematic exams down.

How's everyone this afternoon?

Congratz, i finished my first exam a few weeks ago....i have another one tonight
Jiindama said:
Good luck! What's it on?

Conputer technician A+ level. I failed, by 6% :( alas i'll retry it next me a week to revise and sort it out properly.
I guess thats what i get for not doing the 6 chapters leading upto it :/ (there's people here that are just shocked i was only 6% off the mark without doing any revision or the chapter exams that lead upto it)

still, feel abit let down by myself.