The General Conversation Area

Voddas said:
I work in Tax and there's different periods during the year that can involve less or more work loads. Next week, for example, we're having to send out Reminder letters for people who are behind in paying their tax... this usually spawns a lot of hate calls. I work on all aspects including court summons for people not paying to giving people money when their on benefits... it can get pritty heavy going.
I hate this job... TT_TT

Aah, yeah, I can see the workloads there changing frequently from week to week. I assume you get a reasonable pay from that for dealing with all the **** from people.

I'm hoping to go into software engineering after I finish uni, and I suspect I'll run into the same problem as you. Tons of work sometimes, not as much at others.
chaos said:
Voddas said:
I hate this job...
Just find a new one =P
I'm trying and failing. ¬_¬

I do get paid plenty, so I can't really complain in that respect. This is probably the first job I've ever had that I've hated though. It's not like you get people calling up to say well done on the taxs mate... no no no, It's always "F*CK YOU" and "Where are you now so I can come and kick your ****!" Oh the joy...

Could be worse, I could be the PM. lol
I would imagine it is an anime society myself, and chances are, far superior to the one at my uni hah.

Anywho, hey hey people. Still bloody waiting for my exam results, which is annoying. I know that the fourth years have to get em first, but it still has been a good 2-3 weeks since the end of the exams for me. Guess i'll just have to hope for something next week.
Afternoon Arby! No fun waiting for results, take your mind off it with a nice stroll in this sun. By the time your home the heat stroke will have made you completely forget about them. =D
@Voddas - I see. I can't complain on the financial aspects of my job as well.
It borders the overpaid side of things, if not for the stress and long hours I've got to pull (usually 7am to 6pm)

Hey Arby
Voddas said:
Overpaid sounds nice. :p

But not the shifts. o_O
Overpaid is good and bad - you get used to the money and then you're stuck in the job. Of course the fact you're been paid better than average makes try to suck life out of you.
That's why I like anime and AUKN so much. It's muy little haven of silliness and where I can act carefree for a while.

memorium said:
Not Happy :(
Mind if I ask why?
Erm, I'm waiting on my third year uni results, well, Second semester ones. Will decide if i make it into my final year or not. Though apparently, because i haven't got an e-mail from the third year head, it basically means i'm through, i still want to make sure. The wait kills you, hah.
Godot said:
Geez, you guys moaning about how much cash you're getting. I wish I was actually paid...
Human nature... we're never satisfied, you see? =)

Arbalest said:
Erm, I'm waiting on my third year uni results, well, Second semester ones. Will decide if i make it into my final year or not. Though apparently, because i haven't got an e-mail from the third year head, it basically means i'm through, i still want to make sure. The wait kills you, hah.
Best of luck. Considering th amount of work you did (assuming you were actually studying when you said you did), I'm sure you'll make it =)
not only did i make it back from the bank safely, but my new car made it home safely, with only £5 of fuel XD

i feel so happy, i may actually post some pics of it here

featuring me ;)
I have now finished all my collegiate exams. Today's final was notably difficult, though fortunately my nose only bled in the final few minutes. Afterwards, I bought (and drank from) a coconut in Camden Town.
Hello people I thought I'd post after the expo event, and have ended up several days late myself.

For anyone interested I was able to get the new testament (Genshiken) KujiUn, and this foreboding of the weather brought out a gem for me in the form of a 1:8 scale of Multi for £10. Something Will won't ever understand (but neither Rui for that matter)

My friend said to me that Multi's more of a common character to find then Serio that was there, but I rather much preferred Multi anyhow since she has a more direct influence on Akari/Hiroyuki
Ryo Chan said:
just spent the last 2 hours defrosting the freezer with a hairdryer cause CHAZ CAN'T CLOSE THE BLOODY DOOR PROPERLY!!!!


D= Oh noes! I almost had a nightmare experience with the firdge-freezer once. The power switch is behind a bunch of books, which got pushed into it. Fortunately I realised that same evening when I noticed the bulb wasn't coming on.
Morning all,

High pollen count today :/ (i've been fine for weeks and out of nowhere the pollen is attacking again?), Went out Thursday night, had a good night, 3 out of the 5 of us who went out together ended up throwing up and being taken home. (leo, ben and daniel) me and sam where fine, ordered a half a pounder burger, chips and garlic bread ^__^

Friday i woke up and played Guitar hero 5 and relaxed, Leo came round in the evening and we ordered pizza from domino's at 11.40 (5 mins before they close, they mustn't have been impressed)

The rest of the weekend was spending time with kayls, going to an Italian restaurant with her and her folks, going and spending time round her house and drinking beer, going to the pub and the gym. Went to KFC yesterday aswell.
Haven’t touched any of the anime I bought at the expo, I’m hoping to get started on it at some point this week, inbetween doing a few technician jobs for people (charging people now, because its taking up my time)