The General Conversation Area

Voddas said:
Congrats on the new car Mutsumi! :D

Tachi... you need to get yourself a car too! Oh... and a license. :p

Whens your wedding again?
ideally I don't need one until its nearly your wedding (purely for wedding crashing purposes….and I can't carry the beer home in my hands, so stealing the kegs and driving back will be easier) :p

I'll get round to it, might even book my actual tomorrow.... *sigh* bank holidays are a godsend and a curse, pushing my payday back messes me up!
Tachi- said:
Whens your wedding again?
ideally I don't need one until its nearly your wedding (purely for wedding crashing purposes….and I can't carry the beer home in my hands, so stealing the kegs and driving back will be easier) :p
Hey! You not thinking of getting your test in for a chance at that 21K job??? My first real job was all down to if I past my test or not.
Started the day after I passed. :D
@Zin - I've acquired a fancy Parker pen today. So on top of the leather wallet / shoes and a job in an investment bank. So, including this have I acquried most things that classes me as "bourgeois"?

Mutsumi said:
Getting my new car today! :D 06 reg Nissan Micra. ^_^
Congrats man! It's a cute car.

Voddas said:
Tachi... you need to get yourself a car too! Oh... and a license. :p
Me too. i have the money saved for the car already though. I wanted a Shelby Cobra, but I'd be happy with a 90 corsa, considering my current savings.

Tachi- said:
Whens your wedding again?
ideally I don't need one until its nearly your wedding (purely for wedding crashing purposes….and I can't carry the beer home in my hands, so stealing the kegs and driving back will be easier) :p
Mmm, I'd happily share the cost of petrol for this trip, Tachi.

Voddas said:
Hey! You not thinking of getting your test in for a chance at that 21K job??? My first real job was all down to if I past my test or not.
Started the day after I passed. :D
Oh, interesting. Job linked to passing a driving test? BTW, have an extra set of cans of beer for me as well man!
Voddas said:
Tachi- said:
Whens your wedding again?
ideally I don't need one until its nearly your wedding (purely for wedding crashing purposes….and I can't carry the beer home in my hands, so stealing the kegs and driving back will be easier) :p
Hey! You not thinking of getting your test in for a chance at that 21K job??? My first real job was all down to if I past my test or not.
Started the day after I passed. :D

lol yeah i'm aiming for that, i've been told i have 2 months grace to get a licence, so hopefully i'll get myself a decent IT job soon.

still crashing your party though :p
Tachi- said:
lol yeah i'm aiming for that, i've been told i have 2 months grace to get a licence, so hopefully i'll get myself a decent IT job soon.
I could swear that all you need to know when dealing with IT was actually computer and not how to drive, but I digress. I take it's a client facing job then, no?
chaos said:
Tachi- said:
lol yeah i'm aiming for that, i've been told i have 2 months grace to get a licence, so hopefully i'll get myself a decent IT job soon.
I could swear that all you need to know when dealing with IT was actually computer and not how to drive, but I digress. I take it's a client facing job then, no?

Actually, its working for a technician at the college (he has his own shop) but he has 10 client bases, so i'd need to travel to them in order to pick up/repair equipment.
Tachi- said:
Actually, its working for a technician at the college (he has his own shop) but he has 10 client bases, so i'd need to travel to them in order to pick up/repair equipment.
Makes sense. They pay for petrol, no?

In any case, I don't believe I'll sort my license before coming back from Japan, this gives me more time to save for a car.
I believe the traveling costs would be coming out of my own pocket. It's not like the NHS where we pay expenses on travelling to mandatory training/long distances for work in emergencies.

However, my courses (should i want any more) would be free.
Tachi- said:
I believe the traveling costs would be coming out of my own pocket. It's not like the NHS where we pay expenses on travelling to mandatory training/long distances for work in emergencies.

However, my courses (should i want any more) would be free.
That would be interesting =)
Make sure you get some sort of agreement on how much you'd travel, or else, you'd end up paying to work mate.

Happened to a friend of mine before, the salary seemed good to start with, but after factoring how much he spent travelling back and forth, he actually spent a lot of money on petrol.
chaos said:
Tachi- said:
I believe the traveling costs would be coming out of my own pocket. It's not like the NHS where we pay expenses on travelling to mandatory training/long distances for work in emergencies.

However, my courses (should i want any more) would be free.
That would be interesting =)
Make sure you get some sort of agreement on how much you'd travel, or else, you'd end up paying to work mate.

Happened to a friend of mine before, the salary seemed good to start with, but after factoring how much he spent travelling back and forth, he actually spent a lot of money on petrol.

Seems very reasonable to check them out before saying yes or no to things. I'll have a word with Toby tonight about it.

And on that note, i'm off for the weekend now, have a good Chaos (and anyone else reading this)
Without Tachi in today, I might be stuck here double posting and so...

Recently, I've been studying ways to be a better person. It's great to realize all the little things you can do to live better and happier.
just about to head off to the bank to grab my 5k, and get mugged before reaching the car dealerships XD

work at 1 so won't be back to keep chaos company till round 7 ;)
I'm here (kinda). I'll try and keep the forum alive as best I can chaos! (inbetween work rapes)

Morning all! How goes it? I have absolutley sod all planned this weekend which is actually a hell of a relief, talk about being in demand. Haven't had a free weekend in months. ...I'll probably get bored now tho...

@Chaos: You don't seem to be the kind to need to better yourself mate. Unless your speaking on a personal mentallity level? I suppose there's always room to better yourself... I could exercice more often. Been thinking about getting a bike to ride to work. I used to love going on long cycles.

@Ryo: Good luck with the mugging. ;)
Tell me about it! It may have been a four day week for me but it's been that busy that it's felt so much longer. A natural wakeup rather than a Resident Evil 2 Alarm getting me up in the morning will be very much welcomed.
Morning by the way. ^^
Hey Voddas - yeah, I knowthe feeling. Today is a calm day for me, have a feel things lined up, but nothing I can't handle.
Morning has been already, had a couple fires to put off, then it's been calm since.
Weekend will be spent looking at flats, then buying camping gear for my first festival ever. I'm going to be a steward at Download this year, which will be amazing =)

WRT to better yourself, there is always room to be a better. My current plan is to watch my diet better and exercise more. I hope the physio sign me off to start doing light exercises again, such as running, which I haven't done since I've injured myself.

Perhaps, I should have phrased it differently, what I've meant is to look after myself a bit better. I have a tendency to look after others first.

Hello Manga - 3-day long weeks FTW =)