The General Conversation Area

Well I've seen the dub but I'm watching it up-to-date with fansubs. I used to love both Naruto and Bleach equally, however Naruto has managed to keep the storyline fresh while managing to have less fillers imo. Bleach has been all filler recently (where I'm up to). I've contemplated dropping it on several occasions but I feel I've spent too much time on it to drop now. But that's just how I feel.

Dizzie has released a charity song for the world cup, but there many others. I think my favourite has to be the Kaan "Wavin' Flag" (coke advert), I also hear that GO! ENGLAND by We are Scientists is qyuite good too.
I haven't heard the WAS one yet. I'll hear it tonight like.
Playing mainly England ones I believe. Asking people who they think is the best.
Jayme said:
Godot said:
AJAX has distracted me
Fücking hell it has.

(Yes, I used an umlaut.)

To be fair, I end up talking to you till a stupid hour, lol.

Well I have a mic back, but it depends on what time I'm playing. If it's after Sarah's gone to bed it's a no go coz I keep her awake with my chat. Down-side to a small house. Heh. Otherwise I'm good to go.

That's cool dude. Maybe arrange to game a day that you're off? Next weekend i'm free one of the days.
Three Lions (original) is the all time best, no doubt about it! The new one however is just a money wrangler. They should have just rereleased the origina imo! I'll be sure to play it this evening though. ;]

Edit: @Godot: We'll work something out my good man. I'm not free Saturday as it's World Cup day for us (BIG PARTY). Sunday will be spent trying to use ninjutsu to reconnect my head to my torso I imagine. lol
Voddas said:
Three Lions (original) is the all time best, no doubt about it! The new one however is just a money wrangler. They should have just rereleased the origina imo! I'll be sure to play it this evening though. ;]

Agreed :p

Voddas said:
Edit: @Godot: We'll work something out my good man. I'm not free Saturday as it's World Cup day for us (BIG PARTY). Sunday will be spent trying to use ninjutsu to reconnect my head to my torso I imagine. lol

Is that this or next weekend dude?
That's this weekend (First England World Cup match).

Edit: @Devil : True, but at least they were catchy and easy to chant. Nowadays they get it all wrong. You can't RAP at another team in unison... though it would be cool to see. lol
against the americans who still call it soccer.arrogant sods..... :evil:

yeah but vinadloo is from india not from england which is why i most probably don't much of it. oh just remebererd the sven erikson one that was good
devilrules666 said:
against the americans who still call it soccer.arrogant sods..... :evil:
It's just to stop confussion surely?! Football to them is armor clad beefcakes funning with a mini Rugby Ball. o_O
devilrules666 said:
yeah but vinadloo is from india not from england which is why i most probably don't much of it.
Sorry, have to correct you there. Vindaloo is indeed an English creation. Strange but true.

Not that that makes the song any better like. :p
Well, the main story keeps building up and I do really enjoy the main story. However, just when the pace is at full sprint it suddenly flicks to another time period. The last few episodes I watched was just the first ever episode of Bleach, but from different character's points of view? There is absolutely no point. Then it was a beach party episode which led to no where... the time period is so erratic during the filler that half the time it takes half an episode to work out when this was suppose to have happened... I just want it to be over. [/rant]
It's true. Shippuuden has hardly any filler in comparison. Even when there is filler, it's linked to the main plot rather than seemingly being in another universe where all the chars are ignorant of the main issues.
Tis good. :thumb: